plone / Products.ExtendedPathIndex

Zope2 Index for paths. Supports depth limiting, and the ability to build a structure usable for navtrees and sitemaps
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Inconsistent handling of "depth=1" for "level=0" versus "level>0". #14

Open d-maurer opened 5 years ago

d-maurer commented 5 years ago
>>> from Products.ExtendedPathIndex.ExtendedPathIndex import ExtendedPathIndex
>>> pi = ExtendedPathIndex("pi")
>>> paths = {}
>>> for leaf in ("1/1 1/12/121 1/12/122 2/21/1".split()):
...   comps = leaf.split("/")
...   pd = paths
...   for c in comps:
...     if c not in pd: pd[c] = {}
...     pd = pd[c]
>>> def gen(prefix, pd):
...   for c in sorted(pd):
...     np = prefix + "/" + c
...     yield np
...     yield from gen(np, pd[c])
>>> class _O(object):
...   def __init__(self, pi): self.pi = pi
>>> for i, p in enumerate(gen("", paths)):
...   print(i, p)
...   indexed = pi.index_object(i, _O(p))
0 /1
1 /1/1
2 /1/12
3 /1/12/121
4 /1/12/122
5 /2
6 /2/21
7 /2/21/1
>>> list("1/12", default_level=0, depth=1))
[3, 4]
>>> list("12", default_level=1, depth=1))
[2, 3, 4]

For level=0 only the children are included; for level>0 children and parent are included. The docstring for search suggests that the second behaviour is correct - but I assume the the first behaviour is what is needed in many applications.

rafaelbco commented 2 years ago

I think this issue is related to this discussion: Why is plone.api.content.find() not returning the context object when depth=1?