plone / ansible-playbook

An Ansible playbook for automated deployment of full-stack Plone servers.
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problem with centos7 provisioning - failure downloading/installing wv package #60

Closed l00ptr closed 7 years ago

l00ptr commented 7 years ago

Hello, provisioning with ansible (version 2.2.0 from fedora 25 repository) and the latest stable version of your playbook (version 1.2.10) failed when running vagrant up centos7 with this local-configure.yml :

install_loadbalancer: yes
install_proxycache: yes
install_muninnode: no
install_mailserver: no
install_webserver: yes
install_logwatch: no
install_fail2ban: no
admin_email: ""
timezone: "Europe/Brussels\n"

    - plone_instance_name: xxxx4310
      plone_target_path: "/usr/local/plone"
      plone_use_supervisor: yes
      plone_initial_password: xxxxx
      plone_version: '4.3.10'
      plone_create_site: no
      plone_client_count: 4
      plone_zserver_threads: 2
      plone_zodb_cache_size: 50000
      plone_client_max_memory: 1000MB
         minute: 30
         hour: 1
         weekday: "*"
         minute: 30
         hour: 3
         weekday: 7
      plone_keep_days: 7
      plone_keep_backups: 3
      plone_autorun_buildout: no
        - hostname:
          port: 80
          protocol: http
          extra: return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
        - hostname:
          port: 443
          default_server: yes
          zodb_path: /Plone
          protocol: https
          certificate_file: private/plone.crt
          key_file: private/plone.key 

There is a problem with the installation of wv from This package is no longer online

TASK [plone.plone_server : CentOS 7: Ensure wv installed] **********************
fatal: [centos7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Failure downloading, 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'"}

Even the website hosting this repo no longer exist, a better idea could be to use the package from epel for el6 it's probably more stable than but I don't know enough (yet) plone to test this

Best regards, J.

cjsteel commented 7 years ago

This version seems to be working fine for me: state=present

For exact same version of wv in use as of this writing this site usually works:

I may do a pull request updating this after further testing if no one else resolves the issue first.

smcmahon commented 7 years ago

Fixed in plone_server

hvelarde commented 7 years ago

could you please tell how you solved the installation of the wv package on CentOS 7? I was looking at the commits but didn't found it.

hvelarde commented 7 years ago


yum install -y