plone / buildout.coredev

Plone Core Development Buildout
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Branch 6.0: Issue with portal_form_controller #729

Open andreasma opened 3 years ago

andreasma commented 3 years ago

I run buildout within the current clone / status of the 6.0 branch. I got a working Plone environment and could run 'instance fg'. Once I went to the 'Site Setup' I got the message: 'WARNING [OFS.Uninstalled:78][waitress-0] Could not import class 'FormController' from module 'Products.CMFFormController.FormController' If I looked into the 'Management Interface' the entry portal_form_controller' had a red sign in front of it. If I click on this entry I get a not found message.

mauritsvanrees commented 3 years ago

Products.CMFFormController is no longer included in Plone 6. This PR is relevant and contains other relevant links:

If you cannot run bin/instance fg, I expect this gives you an error traceback. Can you paste that?

I suspect that you have some code that tries to import Products.CMFFormController, which is no longer there. Is this really with the pure core development buildout? Or do you have extra code in there?

The warning should go away after you have run @@plone-upgrade.

Workaround would be to add Products.CMFFormController to the eggs. Then bin/instance fg should be able to start up again.

andreasma commented 3 years ago

I created a second Plone site in that instance and everything works as expected. I got a 'Site Setup' with all the images and no warning inside the shell. I used that git clone and buildout already within the past. I created some month ago the first Plone site. This site wasn't updated within the 'Site Setup' with the plone-upgrade tool. This site produces the messages inside the shell. I tried again with your hint above, but without any luck.

jensens commented 3 years ago

Wild guess, but sounds a bit like you created a Plone 6 dev site before and now some upgrade steps are missing? This usually happens while in an pre-alpha state. If this is the case you can go to ZMI -> portal_setup -> upgrades, select Products.CMFplone:plone, then Show old upgrades and select and execute steps added after installation time.