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WebUI Concepts for cookieplone – research and suggestions #17

Open acsr opened 1 month ago

acsr commented 1 month ago

to @davisagli: @ericof and me discussed with others on the Plone Beethoven Sprint 2024 options to enhance the user story & experience using cookiecutter and the Plone Distributions chooser forms.

Prerequisite and some Vision

Kickoff Story for me: Some of these aspects are also driven by an ad hoc example that I showed up during a Lightnig Talk at Plonetagung Gießen 2024 and a short exchange with @fredvd about the user experience having cookiecutter replacing the setup dialog for Plone sites as a chat dialog. (I demoed cookiecutter as prompt generator for a RAD LLM during AI Summer Shool 2023 in Cologne using a NiceGUI Chat Frontend. (Examples: Chat AI-Interface

Targeting an appealing UX for wider audiences makes sense and may end up with offering an WebUI to cookiecutter driving the creation processes around Plone with more fun and ease of use, making it easier to get the options and impress during creation with productive workflows and fast results. Answering customer requests with a fast setup of a demo distribution is always impressing and shows up the quality of the toolchain from the first step.

Imagine the current dialog form when creating an initial Plone site after the cookiecutter setup is going to bootstrap the frontend / backen setup in the two distribution flavors Volto and ClassicUI.

Go further and imagine this in a more dialog driven approach similar to an LLM AI chat experience and ending up in documentation the choosen options for reference or later picking up an/or modify a prior setup run.

Expect to find a nice individual documentation similar to the ansible stuff populated in the devops folder precisely mentioning your choosen options and consequences.

Research for existing WebUI Approaches using cookiecutter

@acsr did some research in the past and provide some tagged links

Create web UI tool for cookiecutter · Issue #1067 · cookiecutter/cookiecutter

url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]]


creators:: programmer: Claudio Jolowicz url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]]


creators:: programmer: Sambhav Kothari url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]]

cookiedough: browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]]

Web-Based Django Cookiecutter Generator - Easy Setup Online

creators:: author: AI SaaS Template url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]]


creators:: programmer: Guillem Orellana Trullols url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[cookiecutter WebUI]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]]

@ericof introduced already recognized tools and approaches:


url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[Form]], #[[Formbuilder]], #[[JSON]], #[[JSON Schema]], #[[React]]

Textual - Home

url:: tags:: #[[cookiecutter]], #[[Interface]], #[[Templating]], #[[Terminal]], #[[Textualize]] zotero:: @TextualHome2024

I enhance this further as I go here.

davisagli commented 1 month ago

It could be interesting to use for this.