The current build & deploy step of the documentation creates a build of the documentation which is python based, but also installs and runs a storybook build. Both results are then uploaded to netlify and our docs, where /storybook contains the storybook setup.
In PR #1444 I updated the github actions but couldn't get the inbuilt caching suport of setup-node@v3 working, but I also noticed this double building. Some discussion in the PR followed. This is a continuation/restart of that discussion for later.
The bundling of the docus with the 'master' branch of volto that has the storybook setup doesn't really make sense as storybook is showing the state of that Volto version and the documentation isn't really versioned at the moment, except for being suited for Plone 6.X
The deploy of the documentation itself is slower and the workflow is more complicated.
I suggest we separate the storybook generation from the documentation and create a separate workflow (maybe on the volto repo itself), create a and deploy storybook to versioned subdirectories so that we have an up to date but also historical view of the components in Volto. I can imagine that the compontens in Volto 17 are already looking different from those in Volto 16.
I found a an action last week that deployed storybook to GitHub Pages. But any other hosting is fine as well where we can deploy to, it's just static files.
Plone Documentation versions affected
The current build & deploy step of the documentation creates a build of the documentation which is python based, but also installs and runs a storybook build. Both results are then uploaded to netlify and our docs, where /storybook contains the storybook setup.
In PR #1444 I updated the github actions but couldn't get the inbuilt caching suport of setup-node@v3 working, but I also noticed this double building. Some discussion in the PR followed. This is a continuation/restart of that discussion for later.
The bundling of the docus with the 'master' branch of volto that has the storybook setup doesn't really make sense as storybook is showing the state of that Volto version and the documentation isn't really versioned at the moment, except for being suited for Plone 6.X
The deploy of the documentation itself is slower and the workflow is more complicated.
I suggest we separate the storybook generation from the documentation and create a separate workflow (maybe on the volto repo itself), create a and deploy storybook to versioned subdirectories so that we have an up to date but also historical view of the components in Volto. I can imagine that the compontens in Volto 17 are already looking different from those in Volto 16.
I found a an action last week that deployed storybook to GitHub Pages. But any other hosting is fine as well where we can deploy to, it's just static files.