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Add installation chapter? #67

Closed ida closed 10 years ago

ida commented 10 years ago

Hi, I just wondered, if we also want an installation-section in the docs, where we could provide and collect reliable recipes to set up dev-builds by using virtualenv, e.g.? If you think that would be helpful, I'd like to start to write it, just would need assistance on how to create a new chapter, then.

polyester commented 10 years ago

That could be good, although 'dev-setups' tend to be rather opinionated and highly individual (vim versus emacs anyone? ;-)

What would be good, is to coordinate with for instance the people giving training, like

At PLOG 2014, there was talk of having a shared curriculum between the plone-trainers, and at the very least our docs should not contradict that. AFAIK, the starzel stuff will be updated and human-tested at the end of may.

ida commented 10 years ago

Good points, thanks.The Starzel-docs direct their devs to use a virtualbox with Ubuntu and Plone's Unified-Installer.That's also a possibility. I was thinking to start with a minimal setup, to give the choice and control, which components are wanted to be used (similar to your famous Plone-in-a-pocket-speech) and then successively extend that, also with different flavours (templer, mr.bob), just clearness about what is supported (= reliably documented, e.g.). Actually there is already:, just a visitor would probably expect a prominent menu-entry for "Installation". What do you think about adding a point "Installation" right below "Introduction", where the broad audience is pointed to the fabulous Unified-Installers and any more specific interested persons, to that "dev-installing" section?

polyester commented 10 years ago

I'd say go ahead, make a pull request, and then people can discuss/enhance. Although even more fabulous would be if it was a new chapter that also started tackling , because installing is only part of the setup. But hey, small steps forward over grandiose designs anytime!

svx commented 10 years ago

@ida @polyester what is the status of this ?

ida commented 10 years ago

@svx thanks for reminding! I'll squeeze in writing this by the end fo the week.

svx commented 10 years ago

np :) thanks !

ida commented 10 years ago

Sorry for delay, have been sick last week. now there is a branch prepared for a PR, which you can preview, if you like. I noticed that the developer-installation-instructions point to the Unified-Installer-instructions. Would like to replace that with a doc on how to setup a buildout from scratch, instead. If you have no objections, I'll continue to write or copy a new chapter for that during this week.

svx commented 10 years ago

Glad that you are better ! Talking about the Unified-Installer, lots of ppl are using it these days in production and for Plone 5 there will be whole setups for deployments with varnish, haproxy and so on based on the Unified-Installer. It also make support much easier. I would tend to keep on to the UI ! :)

ida commented 10 years ago

Ok thanks, that makes sense. I come back to this tomorrow.

ida commented 10 years ago

@svx, @polyester thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. PR is in queue, feel free to rephrase as of your Gusto. And yes, this is really just a supersmall step, compared to the tremendous work you had with restructuring the whole documentation this year. It has become so much better now, thanks a lot for that again, it's so important! Just like my grandma used to say: "Don't be a Schmock, write some Dock!" (she didn't, but hey - I like the sound).