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Plone 3 docs in Plone 5 documentation #820

Closed svx closed 1 week ago

svx commented 7 years ago

We still have a lot of places where we talk about Plone 3 [in the 5.1] branch:

/adapt-and-extend/theming/templates_css/css.rst:For Plone 3.x, the optimal place to put CSS file available to all users is
./adapt-and-extend/theming/templates_css/template_basics.rst:.. note:: Plone 3 viewlets differ from Plone 4 viewlets.
./appendices/glossary.rst:        in Plone 3 and removed in Plone 4.3, because JQuery made it obsolete.
./develop/addons/components/zcml.rst:    Before Plone 3.3, ZCML directives could not be automatically picked up from
./develop/addons/components/zcml.rst:    Since Plone 3.3, the ``z3c.autoinclude`` plugin can do this
./develop/addons/upgrade_to_51.rst:GenericSetup is already the preferred way of writing installation code since Plone 3.
./develop/plone/content/index.rst:* Archetypes (Plone 2.x and Plone 3.x)
./develop/plone/content/index.rst:* Dexterity (Plone 4.x and Plone 3.x)
./develop/plone/content/deleting.rst:    ids = folder.objectIds() # Plone 3 or older
./develop/plone/content/importexport.rst:Zope 2 can import/export parts of the site in .zexp format. This is basically Python pickle data of the exported objects. The data is a raw dump of Python internal data structures, which means that the source and the target Plone versions must be compatible. For example, a export from Plone 3 to Plone 4 is not possible.
./develop/plone/content/importexport.rst:and target site. Exporting and importing between Plone 3 and Plone 4 is possible.
./develop/plone/content/importexport.rst:Works Plone 3.3+. It handles also binary data and nested folders.
./develop/plone/content/importexport.rst:        # Python 2.54 / Plone 3.3 use simplejson
./develop/plone/content/listing.rst:    ids = folder.objectIds()  # Plone 3 or older
./develop/plone/content/uid.rst:This info only for Plone 3.x projects.
./develop/plone/forms/index.rst:* :doc:`Archetypes </develop/plone/content/archetypes/index>` was used for content types in Plone 3.x, but can still be used in Plone 4 and 5 for migrated sites. For any new development, Dexterity is **strongly** recommended.
./develop/plone/forms/index.rst:* zope.formlib was used for stock forms in Plone 3.x
./develop/plone/forms/z3c.form.rst:            # Plone 4 / Plone 3 compatibility
./develop/plone/forms/z3c.form.rst:* Plone 3 forms are automatically wrapped
./develop/plone/forms/z3c.form.rst:            @return: z3c.form wrapped for Plone 3 view
./develop/plone/functionality/locks.rst:Since Plone 3.1 content edit locking has been supported. This feature
./develop/plone/functionality/locks.rst:Since Plone 3.3 the feature can be disabled from the site settings.
./develop/plone/functionality/collections.rst:Collections are internally called "topics" and the corresponding content type is "ATTopic" (< 4.2 only). Collections were renamed from topics in Plone 3.0.
./develop/plone/i18n/internationalisation.rst:    Plone 3.3 and onwards do not need manual ``.po`` -> ``.mo``
./develop/plone/i18n/internationalisation.rst:* `i18ndude example for Plone 3.0 and later <>`_
./develop/plone/i18n/internationalisation.rst:            # Plone 3.3 and onwards do not need manual .po -> .mo compilation,
./develop/plone/members/member_basics.rst:Also, take a look at a script for exporting Plone 3.0's memberdata and
./develop/plone/members/member_basics.rst:Below is an example of getting groups for the logged-in user (Plone 3 and
./develop/plone/members/membrane.rst:        # Check if we have betahaus.emailcatalog extension installed for Plone 3.x
./develop/plone/persistency/database.rst:* Using Archetypes content type subsystem (all Plone 3 content)
./develop/plone/searching_and_indexing/query.rst:   Plone 3 ships with AdvancedQuery but it is not part of Plone. Always declare
./develop/plone/views/viewlets.rst:* Viewlets can be reordered (limited to reordering within container in Plone 3.x)
./develop/testing/functional_testing.rst:You can find more information in the `zope.testbrowser docs home page <>`_. The API is described in `zope.testbrowser.interfaces (3.4 used by Plone 3) <>`_.
./<node CREATED="1391872799865" ID="ID_691479547" MODIFIED="1391872825278" TEXT="Old-Style Plone Theming (Plone 3 Legacy)"/>
./manage/deploying/caching/caching.rst:        Plone 3 has its own, older, caching mechanisms.
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:Plone 3.1
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:Plone 3.1 and earlier are not eggified.
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:Below are links how to keep Plone 3.1 and earlier buildouts running.
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:You might be using an add-on meant for Plone 4 with Plone 3. Check if
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:use earlier version of the add-on for your Plone 3 site.
./manage/troubleshooting/buildout.rst:When running buildout, Plone 3.3.5::
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Reason**: You are trying to use Python 2.6 with Plone 3
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Solution**: With Plone 3 you need to use Python 2.4.
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Reason**: Data.fs might have been damaged. You might be using blobs with Plone 3 and they don't work perfectly.
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Reason**: plone.postpublicationhook 1.1 depends on new package, ZPublisherEventsBackport, for Plone 3.3.
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:Reason: You are trying to use Plone 4 (Zope 2.12) add-on on Plone 3 (Zope 2.10). Zope interface declarations have been changed.
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Solution 1**: Pick the older version for the add-on which is known to work with Plone 3. Make sure that you
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:**Reason** Plone 3 > Plone 4 migration has not been run. Run the migration
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:This is a KSS error message. KSS is an technology used in Plone 3
./manage/troubleshooting/exceptions.rst:Some sort of Products.CacheSetup related problem on Plone 3.3.x, hiding the real error.
./manage/upgrading/intro.rst:- First upgrade from Plone 2.5 to the latest Plone 3 version (3.3.6).
./manage/upgrading/intro.rst:- Then upgrade from Plone 3 to the latest Plone 4 version.
./working-with-content/portlet-management/portlet-types.rst:A Classic Portlet is refers to the way portlets were used in older version of Plone, prior to Plone 3.

We need to check this, I guess we can remove already a bigger part of this and if not this needs to be updated to match 5.1.

Having this still in the docs at the time we release 5.1 if not so cool.

Who is volunteering ?

The person with the most "fixes" will get a gift at PloneConf and a special mention note !

stevepiercy commented 1 week ago

We no longer update 5.x docs.