plone / mockup-training

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Wich resources can be excluded from own mockup project repository #2

Open petschki opened 9 years ago

petschki commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've successfully created my own mockup pattern for my theme addon and want to keep it versioned in our companies subversion ... I've tried to commit the resources as outlined here but how can I recreate the /bower_components and /node_modules without going through all the yo plonemockup questions again ? or does everything has to be in the project repository ?

thet commented 9 years ago

node_modules is only needed for the build and testing infrastructure: bower, grunt, grunt plugins, mocha and karma for testing... bower_components includes everything you need on the frontend. e.g. mockup-core, and any plugins you need for your pattern.

If you're using Plone 5 with it's new resource registry, you would not need any other dependencies - because your pattern can live on it's own. see:

If you're using Plone 4, you might probably want to create a bundle with your pattern and all the patterns from mockup you want to include. be sure to have your config.js include also all dependencies from mockup and mockup-core.