the folder listing view says "There are currently no items in this folder."
the folder_listing shouldn't always list all content?
The problem is that, by default, portal_type kw is injected with the values from @@search-controlpanel types_not_searched
class FolderListing(BrowserView):
def __call__(self, batch=False, b_size=20, b_start=0, orphan=0, **kw):
query = {}
query.update(kw) <- here
I think the problem is in browser/
kwargs.update(self.request.get('contentFilter', {}))
if 'object_provides' not in kwargs: # object_provides is more specific
kwargs.setdefault('portal_type', self.friendly_types)
friendly_types cames from portal and are set in plone/app/layout/globals/
def friendly_types(self):
context = aq_inner(self.context)
registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(ISearchSchema, prefix="plone")
not_searched = settings.types_not_searched <- here
types = getToolByName(context, "portal_types").listContentTypes()
return [t for t in types if t not in not_searched]
I don't know where is should be solved if here or in
how to reproduce:
the folder_listing shouldn't always list all content?
The problem is that, by default, portal_type kw is injected with the values from @@search-controlpanel types_not_searched
I think the problem is in browser/
friendly_types cames from portal and are set in plone/app/layout/globals/
I don't know where is should be solved if here or in