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Plone UI and integration of the functionality provided by LDAPMultiPlugins, LDAPUserFolder and PloneLDAP
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Updated README.txt "Installing with buildout" as incorrect instructions ... #15

Closed danboggins closed 11 years ago

danboggins commented 11 years ago

...are shown

Changed the "[instance]" heading for "[buildout]" as it caused a colleague to put the eggs and zcml sections of his custom buildout.cfg incorrectly under the "[instance]" heading - causing errors, also added some extra white space.

mauritsvanrees commented 11 years ago

The instance heading is where it should be, unless it is called zeoclient or something else. Your change only works when the instance/zeoclient has an eggs option that lists ${buildout:eggs} and a zcml option that lists ${buildout:zcml}. I have seen the first one often enough, but not the last one.

Actually, adding it to zcml is not necessary, as we now have an entry point in that handles that automatically, so the docs could be updated there.

I guess the following would be better, to indicate that you should not blindly replace the current eggs line with one that only has

eggs =

Would that be clear? Would that have prevented the error your colleague got?

danboggins commented 11 years ago

Thanks for clearing that up, I believe that would be fine.

mauritsvanrees commented 11 years ago

I have fixed this in commit 47a8a7669d04f7c79caffd4925fe2d93365be7f5.