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Provides Robot Framework compatible resources and tools for writing functional Selenium tests (including acceptance tests) for Plone CMS and its add-ons.
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Make Robottests work on Plone 5 - srly #83

Closed jensens closed 6 years ago

jensens commented 6 years ago

The very own tests were still on Plone 4.3. Now all is on 5.1 and should work on 5.0 and 5.2. Here the test matrix would need some enhancement.

Before it was only half baken. And some keywords were broken. Tests too. I may have missed some case, but the tested cases are working now..

Support for Plone 4.3 was dropped.

jensens commented 6 years ago

If Saucelabs allows us to have a tunnel, tests are green. Saucelabs allows 5 parallel tunnels, and for some non-obvious reason, even if no tests are running, all 5 tunnels are used sometimes (or after some builds)

datakurre commented 6 years ago

@jensens I don’t believe we have benefitted from SauceLabs here much. It has been mostly as an example. If it gets on your way, just tear it off.

jensens commented 6 years ago

So, it works after giving saucelab/travisci some relaxing time. Probably the tunnel is not closed properly. Anyway its green on Travis CI. Lets see if coredev goes green as well.

jensens commented 6 years ago

so, PR jobs on 5.2 are hanging unrelated b/c of