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How to use the results obtained from QueryStringFieldWidget in preview? #200

Closed ironmaniiith closed 4 years ago

ironmaniiith commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm working on a plone project as part of GSOC'19. My project is on import export and for that, I had integrated QueryStringFieldWidget in my project for export functionality so that I can perform efficient queries on the content and can export content based on the result of the query returned. What I am unable to figure out is, how to use the results that are shown in the preview section of the widget.

Screenshot from 2019-06-23 19-25-23

In the attached screenshot, I basically want to know those 3 matched items so that I can perform operation on them afterwards.

Edit: I tried to extract data by adding a button handler, but the data that I'm getting on calling self.extractData() does not give me the actual files/folders that matched the query, instead it gives me the json file containing the information of the query itself

Thanks in advance.

djay commented 4 years ago

This is a question not bug so would have got the best result from