plone / plone.classicui

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Add distribution tests, sync dependencies #13

Open ericof opened 2 months ago

ericof commented 2 months ago

Fixes #11 Fixes #12

ericof commented 2 months ago

@mauritsvanrees Any idea why tests are failing now?

mauritsvanrees commented 2 months ago

Probably explained by last remarks in release-team channel. Need new CMFPlone release.

mauritsvanrees commented 2 months ago

Or temporarily add CMFPlone in mxdev checkouts.

mauritsvanrees commented 2 months ago

I have made an internal release Products.CMFPlone 6.1.0a4.dev0 on

But when I rerun the jobs, they fail with a weird error:

The conflict is caused by:
    pytest-plone 0.5.0 depends on Products.CMFPlone
    The user requested (constraint) products-cmfplone==6.1.0a4.dev0

Maybe this is a weird way for pip to say that it cannot find this distribution. Could be that this needs to be added to a find-links somewhere.

mauritsvanrees commented 2 months ago

I have added find-links directly in the constraints file in That seems to help for installation.

There are still errors though.

mauritsvanrees commented 1 week ago

I have removed most dependencies: multilingual, discussion, caching, iterate, CMFPlacefulWorkflow. They are not needed, and @jensens and I are against adding them, see

I did some back and forth importing, exporting and importing again, and see what changes this gave. This led to some errors and then some fixes in exportimport, see Currently when I import this distribution and export it again, only these diffs appear: