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PLIP: Add contentbrowser as a replacement for relateditems #14

Closed MrTango closed 2 days ago

MrTango commented 2 months ago

PLIP (Plone Improvement Proposal)

Responsible Persons

Proposer: Maik Derstappen - MrTango

Seconder: Peter Mathis - petschki


Add pat-contentbrowser as a replacement for pat-relateditems and add contentbrowser widget as a replacement for relateditems widget.


The pat-relateditems is based on a very old and customized version of Select2 and does not provide a good user experience for selecting content.


Proposal & Implementation

We will introduce a new mockup pattern and a z3c.form widget. The old pattern and widget are still there and will continue to work.

The new pat-contentbrowser will be integrated into TinyMCE's link plugin.

The new ContentBrowserWidget will be used as the default widget for related items behavior. The upload functionality will be enabled by default.



Since the old pat-relateditems functionality will be still available, there are no potential risks for addon developers. If you want to use the new pat-contentbrowser you have to update your addon templates/behaviors accordingly.


Maik Derstappen Peter Mathis ... add your name here

MrTango commented 2 months ago

@plone/classicui-team @mauritsvanrees @jensens @pbauer