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add deprecation warnings in jbot for templates #7

Open MrTango opened 1 year ago

MrTango commented 1 year ago

to move templates into plone.classicui, we need a way to show deprecation warnings, if someone is trying to override the template in the old path. It should still work, but show a message. This needs to be build into jbot.

mauritsvanrees commented 11 months ago


  1. In z3c.jbot create a new zcml directive that can handle a zcml like this, which we would add in plone.classicui/meta.zcml:
    deprecated="" />

Having this in meta.zcml should make sure it gets loaded before the regular configure.zcml of other packages get loaded, so before any <browser:jbot directives get parsed.

z3c.jbot would then have a handler that takes the path to the deprecated dictionary and stores it (or updates an own dictionary with this). We would fill the dictionary manually for each template that we have already moved, and it would contain for example as key with value

  1. In the registerDirectory method that gets called when an add-on registers a jbot overrides directory, we would change these lines to check if a filename in the directory matches any of the deprecated paths:
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    filename = os.path.normcase(filename)
    full_path = normalize(
        "%s%s%s" %
        (directory, os.path.sep, filename))
    canonical_filename = deprecated_dict.get(filename)
    if canonical_filename:
        # maybe use zope.deprecated
        warnings.warn(f"template {filename} deprecated, use {canonical_filename}")
        self.paths[canonical_filename] = full_path
    # Probably still best to register the old file path always.
    self.paths[filename] = full_path

If doing this in meta.zcml does not work, we could also do this in configure.zcml, but then we need to iterate over all the jbot template managers that have already been registered, and iterate over their paths and update them.

MrTango commented 9 months ago

very cool, so we need to write something like this ZCML directive for the jbotDeprecated part.

mauritsvanrees commented 6 months ago

I have implemented my idea in a PR:

I tried it out in a client project where I had an override for the searchbox viewlet. In a buildout with mr.developer you can try it out like this:

auto-checkout +=

[sources] = git branch=maurits-viewlets-searchbox
plone.classicui = git branch=maurits-viewlets-searchbox
z3c.jbot = git branch=maurits-deprecated-templates-directives

eggs +=
zcml +=

This uses a branch of where I have simply removed the searchbox viewlet, and a branch of plone.classicui where I have added this viewlet and I use the new jbotDeprecated zcml directive.

In some other package, you should add a jbot override with filename It is enough to put something like 'Hello World' in there.

Two things should happen then:

  1. You get a warning on startup, saying you should override the new location.
  2. The old location override should still work: you see 'Hello World' instead of the search box.

The example might be bad: these layout templates might be perfectly fine to stay in, because this package already seems mostly for Classic UI. Also, if we would move over the complete viewlets directory, we could get into circular dependencies if we want to have backwards compatibility imports in place.

But: this should work as a proof of concept for the idea.