plone / plone.formwidget.autocomplete

z3c.form widget for Plone using jQuery Autocomplete
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AutocompleteMultiFieldWidget with required=True fails #23

Open szakitibi opened 5 years ago

szakitibi commented 5 years ago

Provided plone.formwidget.autocomplete.widget.AutocompleteMultiFieldWidget does fail to validate required field.

I wanted to create a RelationList field with at least one related item. Possible the easiest way to reproduce is to:

  1. Create a "dummy" Dexterity content type with behavior enabled.
  2. Go into and:
    • do change relatedItems field to required=True
    • add widget AutocompleteMultiFieldWidget in the schema to relatedItems field with plone.autoform.directives

What happens: It is possible to create a new "dummy" content with no related items at all.

Expected behavior: Not be able to create "dummy" unless there is at least one related items set.

Note: Maybe the problem is much deeper, since I'm able to create the "dummy" without step 2. I'm also not getting validation error if I go TTW:


szakitibi commented 5 years ago

Note 2: I do now about the min_length for (Relation)List fields providing IMinMaxLength.

Maybe it is my logic which works the opposite, but I think: