plone / plone.formwidget.querystring

z3c.form-based widget for composing a Query string/search
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How to integrate QueryStringFieldWidget in a plone project #20

Open ironmaniiith opened 5 years ago

ironmaniiith commented 5 years ago

Hi I'm working on a plone project as part of GSOC'19. My project is on import export and for that, I wanted to integrate QueryStringFieldWidget in my project for export functionality, similar to what is present in collection. (screenshot attached) so that I can perform efficient queries on the content and can export content based on the result of the query returned.

Screenshot from 2019-06-21 23-06-57

How should I proceed in writing the front end part of the code (or modifying the existing one)? I have already done the buildout and we have a .pt file ( How should I write the frontend part (and connect it with the python file which will having QueryStringFieldWidget imported)

Thanks in advance