plone / plone.protect

HTTP protection utilities for the Plone CMS
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Refactor to use zope.globalrequest and the decorator package. #2

Closed lrowe closed 11 years ago

lrowe commented 11 years ago

Following suggestion from @davisagli, this makes the protect decorator easier to use with z3c.form.

lrowe commented 11 years ago

I'm a little worried about the potential for misuse with z3c.form button handlers, for instance:

class A(Form):
    @protect(CheckAuthenticator, PostOnly)
    def handle_submit(self, action):
        # Protected

class B(Form):
    @protect(CheckAuthenticator, PostOnly)
    def handle_submit(self, action):
        # Unprotected

This second button handler is in unprotected because the @buttonAndHandler() decorator has already registered the raw function before the @protect decorator is executed. This will currently raise an error (buttonAndHandler returns the function wrapped as a Handler object which the decorator module barfs at) but we'd want to try and work out if there are other similar potential uses that might not raise an exception.

lrowe commented 11 years ago

For the record, the decorator package this branch depends on is BSD licensed: