plone / plone.protect

HTTP protection utilities for the Plone CMS
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fullfil Plone Styleguide Coding Conventions #38

Closed loechel closed 7 years ago

loechel commented 8 years ago

Various Changes, due to a fix for disabling transforms on request while CSRF Protection should be disabled.

vangheem commented 8 years ago

I don't think you want to do this. This also skips doing the transform to add tokens to intern forms.

gforcada commented 8 years ago

@loechel if you want to clean up a package, please do so in a different pull request that's only doing that

That will help get it merged right away :+1: some tips (if needed):

jensens commented 8 years ago

@loechel @vangheem state here? close this?

loechel commented 8 years ago

sorry, have been extremly busy the last week.

From my point of view we should not distignuish between diabling CSRF Protection via the environment settings which was alrady in, and by the Marker Interface.

I knew that my case, preparing Snippets for ESI is special, but I don't want to completely disable protection nor make the code much mor complicated, by a separate parser for Elements that do not provide a HTML Root Element and Doctype.

But if we want to discuss it more in detail I could revert this and just make the pull for stylguide clomplience like @gforcada sugessted.

mauritsvanrees commented 8 years ago

I first thought it made sense. But now I disagree.

Currently, the marker interface makes sure plone.protect does not complain about a write-on-read or a missing csrf token on the current request. Presumably, the marker interface is only set when we think it is safe to allow this. So instead of showing the confirmation/warning page, Plone shows the normal page. This page contains links and/or forms. The transform has changed these links and forms to contain the csrf token.

With your change, those csrf token are not added. So when the user fills in a form on this page, and posts a request, plone.protect will kick in on this new request, which presumably does not have the marker interface, and show the confirmation/warning page.

So the effect is that the confirmation page may be shown a request later.

If my reasoning is correct, then I am -1 on this. +1 for the style changes.

mauritsvanrees commented 8 years ago

The explicit transform skip from the title is just one line, right? If you agree, you could undo that change and keep this pull request (but change the title), if that makes sense. But maybe a separate one is clearer.

loechel commented 8 years ago

Ok, I updated the Pull Request, so that it functionally don't change anything, now it is just the style changes. I did also commented out the CHANGE.rst documentation for the change but did not remane the Pull request.

should we also revert ? It does the same.

jensens commented 8 years ago

looks like it needs a rebase

jensens commented 7 years ago

I rebased and squashed down to two relevant commits. This is all about ocde style. If its green I'am going to merge.

jensens commented 7 years ago

rebase is more headache than reapplying the code style changes on a new branch. I close this in favor of #58.