plone / plone.restapi

RESTful API for Plone.
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@querystring shouldn't list userids #1777

Open djay opened 2 months ago

djay commented 2 months ago


Restapi @querystring doesn’t require authentication.

This lists the users vocabulary which can list all users id and full name. Depending how plone is configured, the email could be the id.


      "sortable": true, 
      "title": "Creator", 
      "values": {
        "admin2": {
          "title": ""
        "editor": {
          "title": ""
        "reader": {
          "title": ""
        "siteadmin": {
          "title": ""
      "vocabulary": “"

The group names is also information that you might not want to make public.

Volto uses this for search blocks but I don’t think it needs to be public as it should only be needed for the search block editing UI. The editor could add a filter that uses that vocabulary but I don't think it makes sense to have a filter on users on a public site. The editor should probably be in control of which vocab they want to make public via adding filters/facets.

If you set “many users” then it works around the issue

Proposed solution

Other solutions considered


A related bug is that if you visit a page with a search-block it will make 2 requests to @querytring instead of one. This might be because the querystring api seems to be doing a dual purpose of being used to vocab as well as querystring options?