plone / plone.restapi

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Make @querystring-search context aware #911

Closed sneridagh closed 4 years ago

sneridagh commented 4 years ago

Follow up with:

The issue: In a Volto listing block, it's easy to come up with a query that lists also the current object, which is weird. This is happening in Plone as well, but it's eased by the fact that the queries are done only from Collections and that you can filter per content type. The freedom that the almighty Volto listing block features is the one to blame :)

So by allowing the endopoint to be context aware, then we know the element we want to exclude.

sneridagh commented 4 years ago

Ok I was working on it this morning. These are my findings: The initial idea was to filter the results "the dirty way" after the querystringbuilder call:

with a comprehension list, (omitting the boring implementation). However, querybuilder results can return different objects, LazyMaps, Batch etc... for which we have serializers, but we don't have a serializer for brains from LazyMaps, so it breaks. **(returning here later)

Then, I recalled about the not ZCatalog capabilities, so I tried it out using the UID of the element we want to exclude...

(Pdb) catalog({'portal_type': {'query': ['Document']}, 'path': {'query': ['/plone/']}, 'sort_limit': 1000, 'UID': {'not': '83011c5b147647ccaa6f5666fef6168c'}})
*** ValueError: index 'UID': option 'not' is not valid


It would have been perfect, since we could use the custom_query override for the querybuilder.

Next thought, override the path, but then we will overlap with the path queries, and the override works by completely override the index, so dead end.

Next thought, we could add the feature to p.a.querystring querybuilder for exclude the context tapping in the parser, merge with the others path queries.

Other option would be to add not capabilities to the UUIDIndex, which I don't know what arcane knowledge you need to treasure to unleash that.

Last option would be to continue with the first approach (** the filter approach), then re-wrap the result again in a LazyMap or Batch (if that's possible) or create a custom serializer for plain lists with brains.

/cc @buchi @lukasgraf @tisto @jensens @pbauer any insight?

sneridagh commented 4 years ago

Finally fixed the UUIDIndex 😁