plone / plonecli

Plone Command Line Client - for creating and working with custom add-ons and themes
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Disallow or Warn '-' in addon names #72

Open arky opened 3 years ago

arky commented 3 years ago


Create an addon with '-' in the name. This makes the package incompatible with pip.

What I Did

$ plonecli create addon

$ cd

$ python -m virtualenv . 

$ source bin/activate

$ ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

$ ./bin/buildout -vvv
in: '/tmp/'
/tmp/ /tmp/tmpw94ch09q -q develop -mN -d /tmp/
error in setup command: ("EntryPoint must be in 'name=module:attrs [extras]' format", 'update_locale =')
  Processing develop directory '/tmp/'.

An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 2174, in main
    getattr(buildout, command)(args)
  File "/tmp/", line 679, in install
    installed_develop_eggs = self._develop()
  File "/tmp/", line 922, in _develop
    zc.buildout.easy_install.develop(setup, dest)
  File "/tmp/", line 1100, in develop
  File "/tmp/", line 164, in call_subprocess
    raise Exception(
Exception: Failed to run command:
'/tmp/', '/tmp/tmpw94ch09q', '-q', 'develop', '-mN', '-d', '/tmp/'
MrTango commented 2 years ago

This is actually allowed syntax, but I'm aware that we still have problems with dashes or underlines in package names. We have to test a bit more and find a more robust way to nromalize the package name. Help is very welcome here ;)

arky commented 2 years ago

@MrTango Meanwhile I think a good solution is to document this gotcha in the documentation to save people from pulling out their hair. :D

MrTango commented 2 years ago

indeed, PR welcome ;)

arky commented 2 years ago

@MrTango Attempted to fix it here

ale-rt commented 2 years ago

Note that setuptools provides:

from setuptools.package_index import safe_name

I used that to fix a mr.developer issue with - in the package name:

You might want to use it to handle this issue as well.