plone / plonetheme.barceloneta

The default theme for Plone Classic UI
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Include roboto folder on NPM package #354

Open gforcada opened 9 months ago

gforcada commented 9 months ago

If one wants to use only part of this theme to style the website (see #128 ) the first approach is to do:

On package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@plone/plonetheme-barceloneta-base": "^3.2.0-alpha.0",

And on your own SCSS:

@import "~@plone/plonetheme-barceloneta-base/scss/barceloneta";

Doing this works, and you get ALL barceloneta CSS, but it breaks as there is a relative path to point to the roboto fonts folder, but the folder is not shipped with the NPM package 😕

Adding to plonetheme.barceloneta/package.json:

  "files": [

Gets the roboto folder shipped with the NPM package, though the location is still wrong, as the top-level CSS (in scss/_roboto-webfont.scss) asks to have it at the top-level as well:

$roboto-base-path: "../roboto/" !default;

So, two questions: