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Plone Trainings
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Issue on page /react/snapshot_testing.html [7. Use Snapshot Testing] #590

Open avimishra18 opened 2 years ago

avimishra18 commented 2 years ago


ESLint Error: eslint(testing-library/render-result-naming-convention) in the code snippet of the topic 7. Use Snapshot Testing

Link to Community Discussion. Assigning this issue to myself.

Incorrect Code Snippet

import React from "react";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";

import FaqItem from "./FaqItem";

describe("FaqItem", () => {
  it("renders a FAQ item", () => {
    const component = render(
        question="What is the answer to life the universe and everything?"

Corrected Code Snippet

import React from "react";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";

import FaqItem from "./FaqItem";

describe("FaqItem", () => {
    it("renders a FAQ item", () => {
        const view = render(
                question="What is the answer to life the universe and everything?"
stevepiercy commented 2 years ago

Please submit a PR for this, but use spaces instead of tabs.