plone / volto

React-based frontend for the Plone Content Management System
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Babel view #1901

Closed giuliaghisini closed 3 years ago

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

Implemented babel-view when translating an object and when editing an object that is already translated, to compare them.

sneridagh commented 3 years ago

😱😱😭😭 Tears running down hard my cheeks right now! Looks amazing! Please continue and go for it!

tisto commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini w00t! You rock!!!

ksuess commented 3 years ago

Wow, that looks great!

May I suggest to let the left side non-editable or save changes. Seite_bearbeiten

ksuess commented 3 years ago

The blocks on the left are highlighted on hover: this evokes the misleading impression of editable blocks. Ajouter_Document

The tab 'Document' evokes the misleading impression of editable document attributes. Ajouter_Document

tiberiuichim commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini What about "readonly" instead of "editable" ?

@plone/volto-team ^

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini What about "readonly" instead of "editable" ?

@plone/volto-team ^

yes, i think it's better

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@sneridagh @tisto what about merging this in master?

avoinea commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini On a custom dexterity content type when I click Toolbar > More "..." > Manage translations I get the following error:


giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini On a custom dexterity content type when I click Toolbar > More "..." > Manage translations I get the following error:


you have this error because your content type doesn't have the MultilingualSupport behavior enabled

avoinea commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini True

avoinea commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini Please rebase to master. I tried but the server.jsx conflicts hit me :smile:

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini Please rebase to master. I tried but the server.jsx conflicts hit me 😄

done. it's green now!

sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini synced with Master again! Next is this one, promise. Could you please take a final look please? Thanks!

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini synced with Master again! Next is this one, promise. Could you please take a final look please? Thanks!


sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini I noticed a small change of behavior in the edit or add form by default it does not have the focus, and appears not selected. Do you know why could have cause it?




sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini @plone/volto-team I've found today that multilingual was broken since we removed the fullobjects, so I created: to fix it, and it's already released in plone.restapi 7.0.0b3.

That gave me the opprortunity to test the Babel View thoroughly. BTW, @giuliaghisini great work! Thanks for taking care.

However, I realised (sorry because my initial test was a bit sparse) about the introduction of this new inline CMSUI small bit at the top of the title:


In Plone 5 we made sure that no bits of the CMSUI were "inlined", and we moved them to the toolbar (translations, locking info, staging...). Inadvertently, we are bringing this back again, which I think we should avoid... Having the CMSUI contained into very specific components and areas are key for being able, at some moment, to separate the CSS from the CMSUI and the theme and restrict it to the appearance of those components in the UI.

I've already called Albert and talk to him that, we as developers, it's been a while that we lack of the proper space in the CMSUI elements to include that kind of information/actions (not only this one, but copy/paste, etc.)

I will talk further to him tomorrow, so we can reach to a point that we could include this elements in a successful way.

We can have a talk after that, so we can discuss about it.

sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@plone/volto-team Since I think that we should give this a bit more thought, talking with Albert, then implement the solution, I would (sadly, I want to have this in core the sooner the better) defer this for a later release. So if you don't mind, I would release 11 right now, since it's ready.

sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini @nzambello @pnicolli I tried to sync with master but the adoption of the BlockForm in core is in the middle and it's kind of crazy... Maybe knowing what changed and why is easier for you to adapt the changes.

Could you please take care? It might be easier if start all over with the current state of master then transfer the changes in the conflictive files. What do you think? in the meanwhile I will give a try to the ui elements.

giuliaghisini commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini @nzambello @pnicolli I tried to sync with master but the adoption of the BlockForm in core is in the middle and it's kind of crazy... Maybe knowing what changed and why is easier for you to adapt the changes.

Could you please take care? It might be easier if start all over with the current state of master then transfer the changes in the conflictive files. What do you think? in the meanwhile I will give a try to the ui elements.

yes @sneridagh. We have plan to work on it in this and next week!

sneridagh commented 3 years ago

@giuliaghisini Cool! I took another look, this is the summary of my review, mainly related to:


@tiberiuichim we could use the Pluggables for populating the more menu :) what's the status on that?

Also, we now have the ability to create cypress tests with custom config, I can help with it too.

tiberiuichim commented 3 years ago

@sneridagh We should use it. Code wise, it's fine. The only issue is documentation, which I didn't get to do. We have a doc-as-story here, though: