plone / volto

React-based frontend for the Plone Content Management System
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Locking support #2594

Closed avoinea closed 2 years ago

avoinea commented 2 years ago

See #1522 and

tiberiuichim commented 2 years ago

What about building the toasts on top of ?

avoinea commented 2 years ago

It depends on which one gets in first :smile:

tisto commented 2 years ago

@avoinea thanks for working on this! I gave it a shot and enabled locking in the config.js in Volto. I manually checked out the plone.restapi branch for locking support.

Then I created a second user "timo" and did the following:

  1. create page "my page" as user "admin" and open it in edit mode
  2. login as user "timo" and edit "my page"
  3. -> no warning message pops up

In addition, the following happens:

  1. create page "my page" as user "admin" and open it in edit mode
  2. login as user "timo" and edit "my page"
  3. leave page
  4. edit "my page" as "admin
  5. -> I see a message that the file is locked and can not be edited (even though the current user is the creator)

and the following:

  1. create a few pages as "admin" and "timo" to try out the feature
  2. try to delete (bulk actions) all files as user "admin" in the folder_contents view
  3. -> clicking on the delete button has no effect at all. backend throws a 423 HTTP error that does not show up in the frontend

I would recommend that we check out the p.restapi branch in this Volto branch and enable locking by default. Then we should write a set of Cypress tests to make sure things work as expected. Those tests would also help us to be on the same page when we talk about the feature and what exactly we expect the system to do.

I only did a quick test, because officially I am on holiday and should stay away from my computer, maybe I missed something...

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@tisto Thank you for testing the detailed feedback.

I did all my tests and dev by using 2 Plone users. I will check what's wrong with Zope admin user.

Good catch with the missing unlock trigger on window.unload

tisto commented 2 years ago

@avoinea for further discussion I drafted three user scenarios to described the functionality I would expect. It would be great if we could write Cypress tests for those three scenarios. Maybe my collegues @iFlameing @jackahl or @ThomasKindermann are willing to help with writing those scenarios.

Scenario: As editor, a page is locked for other users when I edit that page
Given a logged-in editor
 When I edit an existing page
 Then the page is locked for other users

Scenario: As editor, I can see when a page is currently edited by another user
Given a logged-in user
  and a page that is currently edited by another user
 When I view the page
 Then I see the edit button is greyed out
  and I see a message that this page is currently logged

Scenario: As editor, I can unlock a locked page
Given a logged-in site-administrator
  and a page that is currently edited by another user
 When I click the "unlock" button
 Then I can edit the page
avoinea commented 2 years ago

Scenario: As administrator, I can unlock a locked page Given a logged-in site-administrator and a page that is currently edited by another user When I click the "unlock" button Then I can edit the page

Currently, in Plone, any other editor can unlock a locked content. I don't see why we should limit it site admin, only.

tisto commented 2 years ago

@avoinea I amended the scenario accordingly.

avoinea commented 2 years ago

Cypress in-place

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@sneridagh @tisto Exactly what I was afraid by enabling it by default, guillotina tests :smile:

sneridagh commented 2 years ago

Guillotina tests passes it seems, right? What's the issue now? Also, we do need the setting or we just want it "always on"?

avoinea commented 2 years ago

Funky :thinking:

avoinea commented 2 years ago

Also, we do need the setting or we just want it "always on"?

:thinking: Would be nice to have a smart check for locking support. Maybe we can look into the enabled behaviors on context.

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@sneridagh @tisto

avoinea commented 2 years ago

I'll be offline until Monday 23 Aug and this PR needs some adjustments according to

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@sneridagh @tisto I think this is ready and complete now.

tisto commented 2 years ago

Funky 🤔


@avoinea is this issue with locking and multilingual fixed?

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@avoinea is this issue with locking and multilingual fixed?

@tisto It is.

Still, now it doesn't seem possible to edit a translation anymore.

avoinea commented 2 years ago

Still, now it doesn't seem possible to edit a translation anymore.

Hmm, It seems to be related with the way I was starting frontend/backend as the error was CORS related.

Maybe someone with a multilingual enabled could give it a try. @nzambello?!

avoinea commented 2 years ago

Mystery solved: We need to add also Lock-Token to CORS zcml allow_headers when backend is at the different URL than frontend:


tisto commented 2 years ago

@avoinea uh. glad we could solve this. I guess we need to update our documentation, Volto integration packages, etc.

@sneridagh do we have a breaking release in the pipeline? This would allow us to put this into the breaking changes documentation (even though it is technically not a breaking change but a new feature).

avoinea commented 2 years ago

@tisto Yes, this should be added everywhere

sneridagh commented 2 years ago

@tisto yes, 14 should go in the next days. We can include it in there.