plone / volto

React-based frontend for the Plone Content Management System
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Fix block chooser search is not focusable when clicked on add button #5867

Open iRohitSingh opened 1 month ago

iRohitSingh commented 1 month ago

Fix #5866

netlify[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Latest commit 579e68e681ec3f159273d5446aa6da3ca98c0208
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netlify[bot] commented 1 month ago

Deploy Preview for plone-components canceled.

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Latest commit 579e68e681ec3f159273d5446aa6da3ca98c0208
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iRohitSingh commented 1 month ago

@sneridagh I debugged this issue and in initial implementation there was autofocus but someone removed it. I am not able to pinpoint the person in gitblame. I readded it.

stevepiercy commented 1 month ago

@iRohitSingh it was part of this commit by @sneridagh. He did some other things with autofocus. I'm not clear what one has to do with the other.

sneridagh commented 1 month ago

@stevepiercy which commit?

autofocus is meh for a11y things... don't know if that had to be with the removal.

/cc @ichim-david

ichim-david commented 1 month ago

@stevepiercy which commit?

autofocus is meh for a11y things... don't know if that had to be with the removal.

/cc @ichim-david

@sneridagh I am in favor of adding the autofocus back as the short version.

You've probably read something similar to this mention I have seen examples where once you open something you focus to the first form element that is focusable such as the first input look at react-aria dialog example

For us since it focuses it on the search input if you hit tab you will get to the other block items from the popup which is not possible right now so not only are you solving the convenience of the sighted users to have the search focused but you can also now use the keyboard tab key to select a block to add which is a plus for the a11y folks that rely on keyboard navigation.

stevepiercy commented 1 month ago

@sneridagh I can't find it now. I may have been mistaken.