ploopyco / headphones

A set of 3D-printed headphones, alongside a DAC/amp/EQ board powered by a Raspberry Pico.
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Documentation references unnumbered sections #16

Closed mrlinuxfish closed 1 year ago

mrlinuxfish commented 1 year ago

I was looking at the documentation to learn how to flash the new firmware and noticed in the to get started section it references going to section 9.2 if you have a windows machine, but the headings below do not have section numbers.

It looks like a pandoc reference configuration issue if I were to guess, but I don't know where to find the wiki source.


To get started:

13tales commented 1 year ago

I believe those refer to the sections in the Pi Pico pdf documentation, not the Ploopy Headphone docs. Unless I'm misunderstanding you?

mrlinuxfish commented 1 year ago

Oh, you're right. I didn't notice it was pointing to another piece of documentation