ploopyco / headphones

A set of 3D-printed headphones, alongside a DAC/amp/EQ board powered by a Raspberry Pico.
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Option to Purchase Just the PCBs #3

Closed Wgelyjr closed 1 year ago

Wgelyjr commented 1 year ago

I'd love to manufacture the rest of the parts - it'd be a fun challenge.

I would not like to wrangle a manufacturer into a production run,

I would like to support this awesome project. Mark em up, I don't care, I'll still buy them.

WhosManzIsThis commented 1 year ago

Agreed, it would be nice to have an option in between a DIY full kit and sourcing all the parts ourselves. For example, I happen to have access to 3D printers, but not too many options when it comes to pcb manufacturing, thus having a pre-assembled circuit boards stand-alone purchase option would be ideal. I really hope the individuals at this company see this thread.

qwertymodo commented 1 year ago

Bare PCB's only and a "print your own" kit would both be really nice purchase options. As somebody who has a printer and a lot of really cool filament options, I'd definitely be up for buying a full kit if it didn't feel so wasteful to buy and ship printed parts that I would just throw out. I was originally thinking of doing a fully self-sourced build, but some of the materials are a bit tricky to find, so a print your own kit would definitely be a good option for people like me.

ploopyco commented 1 year ago

For the moment, I'm going to continue supplying kits with the 3D-printed parts, only. I do have multiple reasons for sticking with this decision, which you can read about here.

Wgelyjr commented 1 year ago

I see your reasons, I'm not sure they justify the decision, but it's yours to make. I hope you reconsider at some point, but I bought your kit anyways, and I look forward to receiving it. I appreciate your hard work on this project.