ploppyperson / StackMob-5

A plugin for bukkit servers, which aims to reduce the lag that the server experiences by combining several entities into a single entity.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mobs with AI are being stacked with the AI-less ones #237

Open artur9010 opened 2 years ago

artur9010 commented 2 years ago

StackMob 5.7.1

Mobs with AI are stacked with AI-less ones making them mobs without AI.


# StackMob 5.7.1 Configuration file - by antiPerson and contributors.
# If the comments have been removed, you can find a version with comments at
# Most options can be customised for specific entity types, for details about this, see the end of this file.
# Asterisk meaning:
# (*) This option cannot be overridden in the 'custom' section at the end of this file.
# (**) The following option requires the use of Paper ( because the API needed is not in Spigot.
# (***) You can use group names for entities. These are: HOSTILE, ANIMALS, WATER, RAIDER, BOSS
# Spigot JavaDoc Reference:
# (1)
# (2)
# (3)
# (4)

  # The maximum size that a stack can have.
  max-size: 30
  # How often entities should be checked for stacking (in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second) (*)
  interval: 100
  # The area around an entity for which applicable stacks should be found.
  # Format: [(x cord),(y cord),(z cord)]
  merge-range: [10,10,10]
  # Only begin to stack entities when this amount of entities are nearby.
    enabled: true
    amount: 5
  # Only find matches for this mob if it has moved from the last time nearby mobs were checked. (*)
  # This may break grinders etc, which is why for now it is disabled by default.
  # Please give feedback at
    enabled: true
    # The distance threshold for the check
    distance: 1.0
  # Stack entities when they spawn. (*)
  on-spawn: false

# Names of worlds where there should be no stacking
worlds-blacklist: []
worlds-blacklist-invert: false
# Types of entity which should not stack (3) (***)
types-blacklist: [VILLAGER, WATER, RAIDER, STRAY]
types-blacklist-invert: false
# If the entity's spawn reason is listed below, do not stack. (2)
reason-blacklist-invert: false

  # The formatting of the name tag which is shown when the stack size is above the threshold.
  # Both legacy and RGB hex color codes are supported, these need to be prefixed by the '&' symbol.
  # Placeholders:
  # %type% - the entity's type
  # %size% - the size of the stack
  format: '&#20B2AA%type% &#778899(%size%)'
  # Whether the display tag can only be seen when the player targets the entity.
  # Mode:
  # ALWAYS - The tag will always be visible as long as the entity is loaded.
  # HOVER - The tag will only be visible when the player hovers their crosshair on the entity.
  # NEARBY - The tag will only be visible when the player is in range of the entity. (more resource intensive, requires ProtocolLib on 1.16 servers)
  visibility: NEARBY
  # Options for when 'NEARBY' is used above. (*)
    # The range from which the tag should be visible.
    # Format: [(x cord),(y cord),(z cord)]
    range: [12,6,12]
    # How often (in ticks) the tag visibility status of an entity should be updated. (20 ticks = 1 second)
    interval: 20
    # Perform a ray trace, meaning that the tag is only visible if there are no occluding blocks.
    ray-trace: true
  # Don't show the tag if the stack size of this entity if it is equal to or below the value specified.
  threshold: 1

# Whether entity specific traits (eg. profession, colour) should be segregated (*)
  sheep-color: true
  sheep-sheared: true
  slime-size: true
  horse-color: true
  llama-color: true
  parrot-variant: true
  drowned-hand-item: true
  age: true
  breed-mode: true
  love-mode: true
  cat-type: true
  mooshroom-variant: true
  fox-type: true
  bee-nectar: true
  bee-stung: true
  zoglin-baby: true
  piglin-baby: true
  leashed: true
  villager-profession: true
  potion-effect: true
  # Prevent pregnant turtles from stacking. (**)
  has-egg: true

# Prevent stacked mobs from targeting players.
# Similar to no-ai, but allows for movement of entities.
  enabled: false
  # If the entity's type is listed below, do not disable targeting. (3) (***)
  type-blacklist: []
  type-blacklist-invert: false
  # If the entity's spawns reason is listed below, do not disable targeting (**) (2)
  reason-blacklist: []
  reason-blacklist-invert: false

# What should be done when these entity actions occur. (*)
  # When an entity picks up armor or other equipment
    enabled: true
    # IGNORE - do not take picked up equipment into consideration when stacking
    # DROP_ITEMS - drop picked up items when about to stack
    # PREVENT_STACK - do not stack this entity.
    mode: IGNORE
  # When an entity is feed its food.
    enabled: true
    # MULTIPLY - spawn as many baby entities possible providing there is enough food fed.
    # SPLIT - slice off an entity to that it can be bred normally.
    mode: MULTIPLY
    # Limit the amount of baby entities spawned when using MULTIPLY mode. -1 = disabled.
    limit: -1
  # When an entity is dyed.
    enabled: true
    # MULTIPLY - dye as many entities possible providing there is enough dye.
    # SPLIT - slice off an entity to that it can be dyed normally.
    mode: MULTIPLY
    # Limit the amount of sheep dyed when using MULTIPLY mode. -1 = disabled.
    limit: -1
  # When an entity is sheared.
    enabled: true
    # MULTIPLY - shear as many entities possible providing the shears have enough durability.
    # SPLIT - slice off an entity to that it can be sheared normally.
    mode: MULTIPLY
    # Limit the amount of sheep sheared when using MULTIPLY mode. -1 = disabled.
    limit: -1
    # Chicken eggs and turtle scutes.
    drops: true
    explosion: true
    slime-split: true
    nametag: true
    tame: true
    # Only bees currently.
    enter-block: true
    # Only fishes currently.
    bucket-fill: true
    # Should we remove the stack data of an entity that was unstacked as a result of nametag division/split?
    # Setting this to false will cause entities that were nametagged to potentially become stacked again.
    nametag: true

# How entities should die
  # Rather than spawn a new entity in place of the killed entity, just decrease the stack size instead. (**)
  skip-animation: false
  # Death amount options:
  # SINGLE - Only one entity dies.
  # ALL - Every entity dies.
  # STEP - A random amount dies.
  # STEP_DAMAGE - An amount that depends on the damage done dies.
  # Each death option has its own blacklist for entity traits:
  # reason-blacklist - the last damage cause of the entity, which results in is death. (1)
  # spawn-reason-blacklist - the spawn reason of the entity. (**) (2)
  # type-blacklist - entity type. (***) (3)
  # The priority 1 is highest and 4 is lowest.
  # If the killed entity is blacklisted, either by type, spawn reason or death reasons (the last damage cause),
  # by the highest priority method, then we will attempt to use the next highest priority death method.
    priority: 4
    reason-blacklist: []
    reason-blacklist-invert: false
    spawn-reason-blacklist: []
    spawn-reason-blacklist-invert: false
    type-blacklist: []
    type-blacklist-invert: false
    priority: 3
    reason-blacklist: []
    reason-blacklist-invert: false
    spawn-reason-blacklist: [ ]
    spawn-reason-blacklist-invert: false
    type-blacklist: []
    type-blacklist-invert: false
    priority: 2
    reason-blacklist: []
    reason-blacklist-invert: false
    spawn-reason-blacklist: [ ]
    spawn-reason-blacklist-invert: false
    type-blacklist: []
    type-blacklist-invert: false
    max-step: 5
    min-step: 1
    priority: 1
    reason-blacklist: []
    reason-blacklist-invert: false
    spawn-reason-blacklist: [ ]
    spawn-reason-blacklist-invert: false
    type-blacklist: []
    type-blacklist-invert: false

# Multiply entity drops on entity death.
  enabled: true
  use-loot-tables: true
  # If each mob should only drop one of the items in the list. (4)
  one-per-stack: []
  one-per-stack-invert: false
  # Items that should not be dropped. (4)
  item-blacklist: []
  item-blacklist-invert: false
  # Death reasons that should not mean that drops are multiplied. (1)
  reason-blacklist: []
  reason-blacklist-invert: false
  # Types of entity for which drops should not be dropped for. (3) (***)
  type-blacklist: []
  type-blacklist-invert: false

# Multiply entity experience on entity death.
  enabled: true
  # The bounds that should be used for the random multiplier.
  multiplier-min: 0.5
  multiplier-max: 0.8
  # Types of entity for which exp should not be dropped for. (3)
  type-blacklist: []
  type-blacklist-invert: false

# Multiply the player stats which can be seen by the player from the game menu.
player-stats: true

# If specific entities should have a waiting time before their first stack.
# Designed for monster grinders etc.
  enabled: true
  # For (x) times the stack task fires after spawn, don't stack this entity.
  wait-time: 5
  # Entity types that this should work for. (3) (***)
    - ZOMBIE
  types-whitelist-invert: false
  # Spawn reasons that this should work for. (2)
  reasons-whitelist-invert: false

# Enable/disable integration with other plugins. (*)
  # Allows the custom 'entity-stacking' flag to be used in worldguard regions.
  worldguard: true
    stack: false
    # Blacklist of MythicMob types (uses the internal name)
    # This blacklist does not take effect if the prevent-stack option is enabled below.
    stack-blacklist: [ ]
    stack-blacklist-invert: false
    # When this option is enabled, MythicMobs will not stack.
    prevent-stack: true
  # Prevent citizens npcs from stacking.
  citizens: true
  # Prevent stacked entities from giving mcmmo experience.
  mcmmo: true
  # Prevent stacked entities from giving job payments.
  jobs: true
  # Allows the use of ProtocolLib, which is used when the server version is not the native one of the plugin.
  protocollib: true
  # Make it so that ClearLagg removes stacked entities.
  clearlagg: false
  # Make it so that MyPet pets do not stack.
  mypet: true

## Some options can be modified for specific entity types. An example is shown below. Remove comments to see this in action.
## Options and sections with a (*) in the comment preceding cannot be overridden.
#  # The entity type
#    # The option to override. This should be the same as it appears above.
#    stack:
#      max-size: 30
#    # Entities can also inherit options from other entities, using the 'clone' option preceded by the entity type to clone.
#    clone: CREEPER
#    # The cloned custom options can still be overridden.
#    stack:
#      max-size: 5
ploppyperson commented 2 years ago

what is it that causes the mobs to have no ai?