plotly / Dash.jl

Dash for Julia - A Julia interface to the Dash ecosystem for creating analytic web applications in Julia. No JavaScript required.
MIT License
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Feature: Type -> Component mapping with weakdeps #197

Open sjkelly opened 1 year ago

sjkelly commented 1 year ago

When is merged it should be possible to write an extension such that some common Types have trivial component methods:

df = DataFrame(data) 

app = dash()

app.layout = dash_datatable(
    data = map(eachrow(df)) do r
      Dict(names(r) .=> values(r))
    columns=[Dict("name" =>c, "id" => c) for c in names(df)]

Could become:

df = DataFrame(data) 

app = dash()

app.layout = dash_datatable(df)