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Tag cloud #419

Open kMutagene opened 1 year ago

kMutagene commented 1 year ago


A tag cloud is a visual representation for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites, to visualize free form text or to analyses speeches( e.g. election’s campaign). Tags are usually single words, and the importance of each tag is shown with font size or color. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and for locating a term alphabetically to determine its relative prominence [1].

Depending on the level of sophistication, calculating positioning in a given space can become quite complex [2, 3]. If you need external dependencies, make sure to move this issue to the FsLab repository




Hints (click to expand if you need additional pointers) - you can position text on a scatterplot and hide the markers to only show text - in a more sophisticated manner, you can also draw [shapes]( on a plot that are either boxes containing text or even svg paths representing the text.
pirrmann commented 1 year ago

I'd like to work on this one as well!