plotly / dash-component-boilerplate

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Problems to start project #135

Closed fernandorozas closed 2 years ago

fernandorozas commented 3 years ago

I'm new to creating dash components in react. After following the steps to create the component (, when I try to run the project (npm start), I get the error: ERROR in multi ./src/demo/index.js webpack-plugin-serve/client Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'webpack-plugin-serve/client' How to fix?

step by step: image

jlfsjunior commented 3 years ago


Have you fixed it already? I believe you haven't installed the dependencies yet (npm install from the project directory).

fernandorozas commented 3 years ago

Hi Jose. I performed the installation of dependencies, and the error persists. I changed the approach and now I'm building the dashboard in react with the plotly.js library.

glaserL commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have the same error message. I sucessfully ran npm install and then used npm start but with --port 9000 but I guess that shouldn't change anything?

fernandorozas commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have the same error message. I sucessfully ran npm install and then used npm start but with --port 9000 but I guess that shouldn't change anything?

Hi. Changing the port worked normally, although there is nothing running on the 5555.

fernandorozas commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have the same error message. I sucessfully ran npm install and then used npm start but with --port 9000 but I guess that shouldn't change anything?
