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Add Timer component #961

Closed AnnMarieW closed 1 year ago

AnnMarieW commented 3 years ago


The new Timer component is a response to the discussion in #857.

dcc.Timer is based on the dcc.Interval component. It has all the functionality of dcc.Interval plus these new features:

Component Properties

Prop name Type & Default value Description Example values
id string; optional id of component used to identify dash components in callbacks
interval number; default 1000 This component will increment the counter n_intervals every interval milliseconds
disabled boolean; optional If True, the n_interval counter and the timer no longer updates. This pauses the timer.
n_intervals number; default 0 Number of times the interval has passed (read-only)
max_intervals number; default -1 Number of times the interval will be fired. If -1, then the interval has no limit and if 0 then the interval stops running.
timer number; default 0 When in countdown mode, the timer will count down to zero from the starting duration and will show the number of milliseconds remaining. When in stopwatch mode, the timer will count up from zero and show the number of milliseconds elapsed. (read only)
mode 'stopwatch' or 'countdown'; default 'countdown' The timer will count down to zero in countdown mode and count up from zero in stopwatch mode
duration number; default -1 Sets the number of milliseconds the timer will run. If -1 the timer will not be limited by the duration and if 0 then the timer stops running and may be reset.
reset boolean; default True This will start the timer at the beginning with the given prop settings.
fire_times list; optional A list of the time(s) in milliseconds at which to fire a callback. This can be used to start a task at a given time rather than using the timer. Since the timer is typically set at a small interval like one second, using fire_times can reduce the number of times a callback is fired and can increase app performance. The time(s) must be a multiple of the interval.
at_fire_time number This is updated when the timer reaches one of the times in the fire_times list. Using at_fire_time in a callback will trigger the callback at the time(s) in fire_times (Read only)
rerun boolean; default False When True, the timer repeats once the timer has run for the number of milliseconds set in the duration.
messages dict; optional Timer messages to be displayed by the component rather than showing the timer. It is a dictionary in the form of: { integer: string} where integer is the time in milliseconds of when the string message is to be displayed. Note: timer_format will override messages. {10000 : "updating in 10 seconds"} will display the message "updating in 10 seconds" once the timer equals 10000.
timer_format string; optional. One of: If a timer is displayed, it will override timer messages. This formats the timer (milliseconds) into human readable formats.
'none'; default No timer will be displayed. Timer messages will be shown.
'display' Display timer in default format. For example, 1337000000 milliseconds will display as: '15d 11h 23m 20s' '15d 11h 23m 20s'
'compact' Shows a compact timer display. It will only show the first unit 1h 10m → 1h
'verbose' Verbose will display full-length units. 5h 1m 45s → 5 hours 1 minute 45 seconds
'colonNotation' Use this when you want to display time without the time units, similar to a digital watch. It will always show at least minutes: 1s → 0:01 5h 1m 45s → 5:01:45


Run timer_demo_py to see eight examples using dcc.Timer. Some may be good candidates for the docs. Here is a preview:

Countdown and Stopwatch timers with messages updated clientside - no callbacks required!

Peek 2021-05-03 06-31

Space shuttle app:

This app uses the dcc.Timer component to launch the space shuttle. :rocket:

The timer runs for 51 seconds, but it only fires the callback once (at liftoff) All the other messages are handled clientside by the component.

Peek 2021-05-03 06-39

AnnMarieW commented 2 years ago

I updated the component based on your helpful feedback -Thanks!

I made changes to the timer logic to (hopefully) make it less fragile and easier to understand. I'm interested to see if you think it's better.

The only other item, other than testing, is regarding relaxing the constraint that the interval must be a multiple of duration. Those questions are inline above.

AnnMarieW commented 1 year ago

Moved to dash PR#2352