### Added
- `demos/usage-bootstrap.py`: Example showing deck map inside a container.
- `disableContext` property to prevent right click context menu from showing up on deck.gl map. Set to `True` by default.
### Fixed
- Security fixes
## Description of changes
Pre-Merge checklist
[ ] The project was correctly built with npm run build.
[ ] If there was any conflict, it was solved correctly.
[ ] All changes were documented in CHANGELOG.md.
[ ] All tests on CircleCI have passed.
[ ] All Percy visual changes have been approved.
[ ] Two people have :dancer:'d the pull request. You can be one of these people if you are a Dash Deck core contributor.
### Added - `demos/usage-bootstrap.py`: Example showing deck map inside a container. - `disableContext` property to prevent right click context menu from showing up on deck.gl map. Set to `True` by default. ### Fixed - Security fixes ## Description of changesPre-Merge checklist
npm run build
.Reference Issues
Closes #[issue number]
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