for a small dash app I am working , I also need to display an embedded PDF in a section.
While using HTML I could do something like this to display the PDF.
<object type="application/pdf" data="sample.pdf#toolbar=1&navpanes=1&scrollbar=1&page=25" width="500" height="375" >
I am unable to replicate this within dash.I am using the ObjectEl html component(I believe this is the corresponding element for HTML object tag), but it doesn't have a data property to set.
for a small dash app I am working , I also need to display an embedded PDF in a section. While using HTML I could do something like this to display the PDF.
<object type="application/pdf" data="sample.pdf#toolbar=1&navpanes=1&scrollbar=1&page=25" width="500" height="375" >
I am unable to replicate this within dash.I am using the ObjectEl html component(I believe this is the corresponding element for HTML object tag), but it doesn't have a data property to set.
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!