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Update tooling #79

Closed rmarren1 closed 5 years ago

rmarren1 commented 6 years ago

Update tooling like in

Also, this moved requirements.txt -> .circleci/dev/dev-requirements.txt and makes that file minimal, like in this PR:

rmarren1 commented 6 years ago

Should there be a demo for this repo? npm run start does not work.

webpack.server.config.js points to ./src/demo/index.js, but that file does not exist.

rmarren1 commented 6 years ago

@T4rk1n care to take another look?

The CI error in python3.7 is a E104 so it should fix itself with another run; however, it doesn't look like I have permissions to re-trigger builds for this repo (I do for other ones though). @chriddyp can I get permissions to do that in the future?

rmarren1 commented 5 years ago


rmarren1 commented 5 years ago

@T4rk1n (reminder)

rmarren1 commented 5 years ago

publish script is same as in DCC, so that problem will exist there too.

rmarren1 commented 5 years ago

Not sure the best way to solve this, some options I can think of:

T4rk1n commented 5 years ago

Let's not fix those platform issues for now, clean/generate will run under cygwin/gitbash.

Windows dev can just run the commands to publish separately, that's what I do.

rmarren1 commented 5 years ago
