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table falling outside of template container #19

Closed RScicomp closed 3 years ago

RScicomp commented 3 years ago

Some context: I have been creating an app that pulls data from google sheets and displaying the results as output. However when I do so, the data table goes outside of the the container.

Here is the data table code (basically taken from the example code in the docs). Any suggestions? Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 4 48 17 PM

table_plugin = dl.component_plugins.DataTablePlugin(
    df = configuration.config.get_client_data(),
    page_size = 10,
    template = tpl,
    sort_mode ='single',

tpl.add_component(dropdown,label="Choose a sheet",role="input")
tpl.add_component(dropdown_worksheets,label="Choose a worksheet",role="input")

app.layout = tpl.layout(app)
if __name__ == "__main__":