plotly / dash-table

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Deactivate or Loading state for when Export Button is pressed #873

Open aboyher opened 3 years ago

aboyher commented 3 years ago

I am generating rather large datasets (10,000+ rows) of text data. The export feature works wonders but it can sometimes take many seconds for it the download to appear. It would be nice if the export button went inactive, or if there was a way to wrap a dcc.Loading component around it, so that my users knew for sure that it was working. Thanks!

alexcjohnson commented 3 years ago

Great point. This is all happening in JavaScript within the table component, no involvement of the rest of the Dash framework, so I don't think dcc.Loading would make sense; but we can definitely deactivate the button, and perhaps add a specific css class to it so you can style it to taste, perhaps even use ::before or ::after to show a spinner?

aboyher commented 3 years ago

That would be awesome! Yes please.