plotly / orca

Command line application for generating static images of interactive plotly charts
MIT License
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Accessing Orca deployment from JupyterLab on K8s #258

Closed TiemenSch closed 4 years ago

TiemenSch commented 5 years ago

I have a question regarding the accessing of the Orca server using when it's ran as a separate deployment on a Kubernetes setup. How would you typically configure the communication from any typical "singleuser" notebook to the externally running Orca server?

Context: I'm currently working on a Kubernetes deployment of JupyterLab using the Zero-to-JupyterHub guide. Running plotly orca in a separate deployment would reduce the singleuser image size and complexity quite a bit and keep things neatly compartmentalized. Otherwise each and every singleuser container would contain a complete xvfb install!

antoinerg commented 5 years ago

You're right that getting Orca running on a headless system can be tricky and it is much simpler/cleaner to have it run in its own container.

I'm not familiar with our tools in JupyterLab at the moment so I don't know how to call an externally running Orca server but I imagine it should be simple to do.

@jonmmease @nicolaskruchten can you please answer this one?

jonmmease commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, this isn't supported in yet. See for more info.

antoinerg commented 4 years ago

@TiemenSch it will be possible to call an externally running Orca in the next release of (it should be in 4.3.0). See PR for details!