plotly / orca

Command line application for generating static images of interactive plotly charts
MIT License
295 stars 39 forks source link

Orca server locks up #308

Open sorennohr opened 4 years ago

sorennohr commented 4 years ago


I am using Plotly and Orca docker in a service that generates .docx documents containing a number of different types of plots. The service has a number of workerthreads that simultaneously generates documents and as part of that process sends requests to the Orca docker.

I am experiencing that the Orca docker from time to time returns 522 (client socket timeout) and after that keeps returning 522 on requests - after restarting the Orca docker the problem goes away.

I can reproduce the issue consistently by "curl'ing" a scattermapbox request given below to the Orca docker a number of times 'in parallel', e.g.

x=0 while [ $x -le 10 ] do curl -s -d "@req.json" -X POST http://orca:9091/ --output out$ & x=$(( $x + 1)) done If I do the requests sequential instead, I cannot reproduce issue.

Versions: orca-docker: 1.3.1 plotly-js: 1.53.0

Any ideas?


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antoinerg commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report @sorennohr! I will investigate stability and performance issues in Orca in the next couple of weeks.

antoinerg commented 4 years ago

Here's how I could reproduce the issue:

docker run -d --name orca-1.3.1 -p 9091:9091
cd ~/plotly/plotly.js/test/image/mocks/
ls | parallel curl -d  @{} http://localhost:9091 > /dev/zero
# then it hangs without completing

I would also be interesting to monitor memory usage and ensure nothing is leaking.

# in another terminal
docker stats orca-1.3.1