plotly / plotly.R

An interactive graphing library for R
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Using Shift on event_data("plotly_click") only stores last key #1401

Open trafficonese opened 5 years ago

trafficonese commented 5 years ago

When using the SHIFT-key on a plotly_click event, it returns only the last clicked key, whereas using SHIFT on plotly_selected stores all selected keys.

Is it possible to adapt the event_data("plotly_click") to be consistent with the highlighting and return all clicked/highlighted elements?

Or can I deactivate SHIFT for click-events alltogether and leave it activated for selection-events?




dfN <- data.frame(
  time_stamp = seq.Date(as.Date("2018-04-01"), as.Date("2018-07-30"), 1),
  val = runif(121, 100,1000),
  col = "green", stringsAsFactors = F

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$plot <- renderPlotly({
    key <- highlight_key(dfN)
    p <- ggplot() +
      geom_col(data = key, aes(x = plotly:::to_milliseconds(time_stamp), y = val, fill=I(col))) +

    ggplotly(p, source = "Src") %>% layout(xaxis = list(tickval = NULL, ticktext = NULL, type = "date")) %>% 
      highlight(selectize=F, off = "plotly_doubleclick", on = "plotly_click", color = "blue",
                opacityDim = 0.5, selected = attrs_selected(opacity = 1))

  output$clicked <- renderPrint({
    s <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "Src")
  output$selection <- renderPrint({
    s <- event_data("plotly_selected", source = "Src")

shinyApp(ui, server)
cpsievert commented 5 years ago

You raise a great point with this example and I don't think there currently is a great way adapt 'plotly_click' to accumulate data by holding shift. I will point out though that event_data() is designed to work both with and without highlight_key(), so it tries to not be too opinionated about what you want to do with it.

I think there may be cases where, even if someone happens to be holding shift, you don't want 'plotly_click' to accumulate, so it seems safer to just expose another input event, say 'plotly_shift_click', that fires the accumulated data. I'll take a stab at an implementation in #1392

cpsievert commented 5 years ago

And come to think of it, 'plotly_hover' suffers from the same problem.