The latest release notes (at least the past two, I believe) at mention the introduction of ternary contour plots using type = 'ternary_contour', which i'm guessing is similar to geom_density_tern in ggplot. I'm not sure if it will eventually make it into the R implementation of plotly without asking, but it's something that would be great to have. Right now the 'scatterternary' type is the only option for ternary diagrams and it's only suitable for making simple plots. Is this on the list of things to add?
The latest release notes (at least the past two, I believe) at mention the introduction of ternary contour plots using type = 'ternary_contour', which i'm guessing is similar to geom_density_tern in ggplot. I'm not sure if it will eventually make it into the R implementation of plotly without asking, but it's something that would be great to have. Right now the 'scatterternary' type is the only option for ternary diagrams and it's only suitable for making simple plots. Is this on the list of things to add?
Discussion is here: