plotly / plotly.js

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Actually absolute sizemode for cones #3613

Closed CarlAndersson closed 6 months ago

CarlAndersson commented 5 years ago

Issue originally posted at

If I understand the documentation correctly there is no way to manually scale the cones in the plot units. Even when using sizemode='absolute' there is some magic rescaling of the length of the cones. I would expect a way to use the norm of the (u,v,w) vector directly as the length of the cones, but this is not really possible unless you understand how the scaling factor is computed.

archmoj commented 5 years ago

@etpinard is there a feature related to this?

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

This is extremely annoying. I made a stack exchange post where this issue is evident. The docstring for sizeref in cone/attributes.js states:

'Adjusts the cone size scaling.', 'The size of the cones is determined by their u/v/w norm multiplied a factor and sizeref.', 'This factor (computed internally) corresponds to the minimum "time" to travel across', 'two successive x/y/z positions at the average velocity of those two successive positions.', 'All cones in a given trace use the same factor.', 'With sizemode set to scaled, sizeref is unitless, its default value is 0.5', 'With sizemode set to absolute, sizeref has the same units as the u/v/w vector field,', 'its the default value is half the sample\'s maximum vector norm.'

But this "internal factor" is completely mysterious and I have been trying to track down where it is calculated within the code but have so far been unsuccessful.

etpinard commented 5 years ago

'This factor (computed internally) corresponds to the minimum "time" to travel across', 'two successive x/y/z positions at the average velocity of those two successive positions.',

Here's how we do that ->

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

'This factor (computed internally) corresponds to the minimum "time" to travel across', 'two successive x/y/z positions at the average velocity of those two successive positions.',

Here's how we do that ->

@etpinard Thanks for your reply. This hidden factor is definitely responsible for the varying cone size in the above linked stackexchange plot but I am not able to see how. I have two cones rotating about each other on a circle at constant angular velocity thus V.distance(p2,p) is always 2 and similarly the velocity is always 1 so vectorScale should have a constant value of 2 as far as I can see but this is not the case since the cones shrink to 0 when they are diametrically opposed along the x or y axis and maximal in size when 45 degrees to the axes. If you could take a look at my code (which is the simplest example of the problem i can think of) and see what's going wrong I would greatly appreciate it!

Otherwise, I would vote to remove the this hidden scaling factor since all it appears to do is cause grief and pain.

etpinard commented 5 years ago

@TakodaS can you share an example of one of your use cases to help us understand the challenges you're facing?

The reason we're computing a scaling factor internally is to make "most" cone traces look good by default. By "good", we mean: (1) make all the cones visible, (2) avoid overlaps, (3) not slow things down too much (i.e. keep algo O(n)).

Point taken, there's probably a better algorithm out there; it would be nice if you could help us find it. Thank you.

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

@etpinard From the linked stackexchange post:

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.offline as pl

###np.around used because plotly.js doesn't like full precision float64s
t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
x = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi))),decimals=6)
y = np.around(np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi))),decimals=6)
z = np.around(np.vstack((np.ones(len(t)),np.ones(len(t)))),decimals=6)

v = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi))),decimals=6)
u = np.around(-np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi))),decimals=6)
w = np.around(np.vstack((np.zeros(len(t)),np.zeros(len(t)))),decimals=6)

                    xaxis=dict(range=[-2,2], tickmode="linear"),
                    yaxis=dict(range=[-2,2], tickmode="linear"),

fig3.frames= [go.Frame(data=[dict(type="cone",x=x[:,i],y=y[:,i],z=z[:,i],u=u[:,i],v=v[:,i],w=w[:,i])], 
                             layout=go.Layout(annotations=[dict(text="frame {}".format(i))]))for i in np.array(range(len(t)))]


I am using to animate 2 cones circling around each other. As you can see, the size of the plotted glyphs varies dramatically as the cones circle each other. I don't understand why this happens but it must be a property of the hidden internal scale factor since if I plot only 1 cone the glyph size remains constant (thus suggesting it's a function of displacement between cones).

Point taken, there's probably a better algorithm out there; it would be nice if you could help us find it.

I think the algorithm is fine but it needs to be accessible to the user. May i suggest adding an option to the attribute sizemode that deactivates this internal scaling? Perhaps call it explicit? I can't think of a better name right now.

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

@etpinard One thing that would really help is if I knew how plotly interfaces with gl-vis. As far as i can see they are completely separate packages so I still have no idea where in the plotly.js source this hidden factor is calculated and I can't find where plotly calls gl-vis. If I knew where gl-cone3d comes into all of this I could try and fix it myself.

EDIT: Ignore this, right in traces/cone/convert.js there it is.

CarlAndersson commented 5 years ago

@etpinard I can also give you my use case. I'm visualising force fields where the magnitudes are varying wildly, but the direction of the force is very relevant regardless of the magnitude. What I would like to do in the end is to set all cone lengths to be constant and have manual control of the colors as well. Since I know exactly on what mesh I will calculate the force I know exactly what scaling is appropriate. It's then very annoying to reverse-engineer some automatic scaling just to apply my already known one. Since I'm using the python api and have no real understanding of javascript, porting the implemented algorithm is not as easy as it might seem.

Related issue on the colors: #2723

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

I have recreated the problem using plotly.js without the python interface
"""outputs csv data to be plotted"""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
x = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi))),decimals=decimals)
y = np.around(np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi))),decimals=decimals)
z = np.around(np.vstack((np.ones(len(t)),np.ones(len(t)))),decimals=decimals)

v = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi))),decimals=decimals)
u = np.around(-np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi))),decimals=decimals)
w = np.around(np.vstack((np.zeros(len(t)),np.zeros(len(t)))),decimals=decimals)

stack_out = np.hstack([x.T,y.T,z.T,u.T,v.T,w.T])
df = pd.DataFrame(stack_out, columns= ["x1","x2","y1","y2","z1","z2","u1","u2","v1","v2","w1","w2"])

Then plot data.csv:

data = Plotly.d3.csv("data.csv", function(err, rows){

  function unpack(rows, key) {
  return { return row[key]; });

var x1 = unpack(rows, "x1");
var x2 = unpack(rows, "x2");
var y1 = unpack(rows, "y1");
var y2 = unpack(rows, "y2");
var z1 = unpack(rows, "z1");
var z2 = unpack(rows, "z2");

var u1 = unpack(rows, "u1");
var u2 = unpack(rows, "u2");
var v1 = unpack(rows, "v1");
var v2 = unpack(rows, "v2");
var w1 = unpack(rows, "w1");
var w2 = unpack(rows, "w2");

var data = [{
      type: "cone",
      x: [x1[0],x2[0]],
      y: [y1[0],y2[0]],
      z: [z1[0],z2[0]],
      u: [u1[0],u2[0]],
      v: [v1[0],v2[0]],
      w: [w1[0],w2[0]],
      sizemode: "absolute",
      sizeref: 2,
      anchor: "tip",
      colorbar: {
        x: 0,
        xanchor: "right",
        side: "left"

var layout = {
    scene: {
      xaxis: {range:[-2,2]},
      yaxis: {range:[-2,2]},
      zaxis: {range:[-2,2]},
      aspectmode: "cube",
      <!-- domain: {x: [0, 1]}, -->
      camera: {
        eye: {x: -1.57, y: 1.36, z: 0.58}
    width: 800,

frames = []
for (var i=1; i<x1.length; i++){
    data: [{
    x: [x1[i],x2[i]],
    y: [y1[i],y2[i]],
    z: [z1[i],z2[i]],
    u: [u1[i],u2[i]],
    v: [v1[i],v2[i]],
    w: [w1[i],w2[i]]}],

Plotly.newPlot('graph', data,layout).then(function () {
  Plotly.addFrames('graph', frames);}).then(function(){
  Plotly.animate('graph',null, {frame: {duration: 1}});

As you can see the size of the cones fluctuates greatly in the same way as with the script.

EDIT: @etpinard I can confirm that replacing the scale factor behaviour with vectorScale=1; in dist/plotly.js completely fixes the problem. May i suggest that the attributes sizerefand sizemode be merged into a single attribute called size. From here we can then set the other options through

size: {sizeref: scalar or list, sizemode: unchanged, autoscale: bool}

with the two major changes that 1) the autoscaling of the glyphs can be accessed and turned on or off and 2) sizeref can now take a list which specifies the relative size of each glyph. I think this will work very well and I will try to code this up and create a pull request but I am not an experienced JS programmer.

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

@CarlAndersson I have uploaded a fix for that disables the autoscaling so that the cone size is constant and specified by sizeref. Just pull from my repo. I am also attempting to see wheither I can easily modify sizeref in the way described above.

msntag commented 5 years ago

@TakodaS Hello,

I am having the same trouble with the internal scaling factor. My issue arises from having a point cloud of the uniformly sampled contour of a sphere. I then calculate the normal for each point and after some processing have several clusters of points that belong together. Those clusters shall be outputted as cones in different colours.

I do this via an array of 'data' elements. One data element per cluster. As plotly generates a new view for each data element, points may be close together and probably also due to the irregularity of the grid, the size of the cones in some clusters is calculated so small that they are no more visible. I think it is highly probable that the internal scaling is the issue.

Unfortunately pulling a repo outside of the official release is an option I do not wish to take. Is there a way to calculate that internal scaling factor inside my own script? If not, where can I find the lines of code in that are calculating this factor?

Thank you!

TakodaS commented 5 years ago

@msntag Take a look at This folder contains the underlying js code that runs plotly. You will see a file plotly.min.js. This is a compressed version of the file plotly.js that you need to edit. I simply commented out the line that computes the internal scaling factor then rewrote the python code so that any html files printed out write src=plotly.js rather than src=plotly.min.js. That's what I did for my repo, nothing more. I would suggest perhaps git diffing the folders plotly/offline and plotly/package_data with the official release to get a better idea of what i'm doing.

Edit: why not just clone my repo and try whatever file you are running as a test? I think that will tell you whether internal scaling is a problem or not.

z--m-n commented 4 years ago

@etpinard Please allow me to comment on the issue and details reported by @TakodaS (thank you very much!), and the use cases brought up by @CarlAndersson and @msntag.

The automatic cone scaling delivers great default results. For some special use cases, however, a more fine-grained control over the scaling of glyph size and color would be extremely helpful. For instance, to prevent changes in scaling between frames in animations, as reported, or to allow fixed sizes with only color scaling.

If override features cannot be easily implemented in Cone(...), then please consider those for future 3D-glyph mesh functions. Thanks in advance!

Meanwhile, I found a quick solution for a small dataset by adding each single vector with a separate cone trace and controlling the scaling through sizemode, sizeref, cmin and cmax. The size of each individual cone can then be controlled by sizeref, for instance to scale size by the unit vector.

To see that effect in an animation, have a look at the modification of the example by @TakodaS below:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.offline as pl

t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100) 
dd = dict(     
    x = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi))),decimals=6),
    y = np.around(np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi))),decimals=6),
    z = np.around(np.vstack((np.ones(len(t)),np.ones(len(t)))),decimals=6),
    v = np.around(np.vstack((np.cos(t), np.cos(t+np.pi) * 1.5)),decimals=6),
    u = np.around(-np.vstack((np.sin(t), np.sin(t+np.pi) * 1.5)),decimals=6),
    w = np.around(np.vstack((np.zeros(len(t)),np.zeros(len(t)))),decimals=6)

df = ( pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({k:pd.Series(v[n,:],index=t) for k,v in dd.items() }) for n in [0,1]],

figlayout = go.Layout(
                    xaxis=dict(range=[-2,2], tickmode="linear"),
                    yaxis=dict(range=[-2,2], tickmode="linear"),

# Fig3. 
# current behaviour: more than one vector per trace activates automatic glyph scaling, scale varies between frames
fig3 = go.Figure(data = [go.Cone(anchor="cm",showscale=True,sizemode="scaled",sizeref=1,cmin=0,cmax=2,
                 layout = figlayout)
fig3.frames = [ go.Frame(data = [{**{'type':'cone'}, **(df.iloc[[i]].stack(level=0).to_dict(orient='list'))}],
                        layout = go.Layout(title='Scaling depends on glyph positions')) for i in range(len(df)) ]

# as Fig3, but using a separate trace for each vector, bypasses automatic scaling algorythm
figx = go.Figure([go.Cone(anchor="cm",showscale=True,sizemode="scaled",sizeref=1,cmin=0,cmax=2,
                        **df.iloc[[0]].loc[:,n].to_dict(orient='list')) for n in [0,1]],

fig4 = go.Figure(figx)
fig4.frames = [ go.Frame(data = [{**{'type':'cone'}, **(df.iloc[[i]].loc[:,n].to_dict(orient='list'))} for n in [0,1]],
                        layout = go.Layout(title='Scaling <b>independent</b> of glyph positions')) for i in range(len(df)) ]

# Same, but cone glyph-size normalized (fixed)
def unitvector_cone(ds,mag_min=0.01,sizeref=1):
    uv = ( ds['u'][0]**2 + ds['v'][0]**2 + ds['w'][0]**2 )**.5
    sf = np.divide(np.ones_like(uv), np.array(uv), out=np.zeros_like(uv), where=uv!=0)
    sf = np.max([np.mean(sf),mag_min])*sizeref
    return ({**{'type':'cone', 'sizeref':sf}, **ds})

fig5 = go.Figure(figx)
fig5.frames = [ go.Frame(data = [ unitvector_cone(df.iloc[[i]].loc[:,n].to_dict(orient='list'), 
                                        [0]['sizeref']) for n in [0,1]],
                        layout = go.Layout(title='<b>Fixed</b> glyph size, color scaling')) for i in range(len(df)) ]


I have not tested this on a large dataset.

fmannhardt commented 4 years ago

I came across the same issue. What I want to visualise is the direction in which a camera points along a trajectory. The cone plot seems prefect for this, but all I need is that all cones are constant size. However, this magic factor prevents makes it impossible.

An option to disable the factor would be greatly appreciated.

ericvmueller commented 4 years ago

I also want to bump this issue. I'm trying to animate an array of wind measurements, and the cone plot would be great for showing 'wind socks'. However, the automatic scaling makes it impossible for the size of the cones to have consistent meaning (or even just be constant and act as a directional indicator).

JoshRackers commented 4 years ago

I also want to push this issue. I am using this to plot forces on particles and the automatic scaling makes magnitude comparison impossible.

archmoj commented 4 years ago

This issue is currently not on our roadmap in the coming months but we would happily accept a pull request if someone wants to implement it, or we would accept sponsorship to accelerate its development.

jackparmer commented 4 years ago

This issue has been tagged with NEEDS SPON$OR

A community PR for this feature would certainly be welcome, but our experience is deeper features like this are difficult to complete without the Plotly maintainers leading the effort.

What Sponsorship includes:

Please include the link to this issue when contacting us to discuss.

onavsaber commented 3 years ago

@archmoj and @etpinard, Just wanted to point our another issue with the current implementation that I came across. The current algorithm will cause a blank plot if two consecutive cones have the same location.

Since the current implementation checks the distance between two consecutive points, if there are two consecutive cones with the same position (even with different orientation), vectorScale will be set to zero which causes all the cones have a size of zero when plotting. This will create a blank plot which is really confusing. I think at least an exception or a warning might be useful here, or having a minimum for vectorScale. Similarly, I think if the data is shuffled, the plot would change unless somehow the data is sorted internally.

For others who wanted to get same scaling between plots, I was able to use the above issue to get same scaling. Basically, I appended my data in each plot with two additional cones that are supper close (x, y, and z) with larger but still small velocity (u, v, and w). This would cause a very small but fixed vectorScale under the hood and across all plots. These two dummy cones would not show up really if the velocity is set small enough. Now one can play with sizeref to get the desired length for the cones.

Conchylicultor commented 2 years ago

I'm also impacted by this. Any update on the issue ?

scchow commented 2 years ago

I would also like to bump this issue. I am using plotly to visualize the trajectory of a vehicle in 3D. We decided to use cones, since this provides a clear indication of the vehicle orientation.

However, the design choices behind auto scaling and coloring of cones has been a constant pain for this use case.

The u,v,w values that are used in the computation of automatic (and unchangable) cone coloring is almost completely irrelevant in this application (we would rather the color values be set according to another variable like time).

The scaling of the cones changes as depending on the length of the trajectory, which adds more cones and causes the hidden factor to shrink the cone size automatically.

I have been able to work around it by following @z--m-n 's approach of adding cones one at a time, but it is much slower, especially in longer trajectories with many cones. If we had the ability to specify the color and size of the cones manually with arguments, it would be much more convenient and faster.

I would encourage the devs to reconsider adding this sort of default behavior without the ability to change them, as it unneccessarily narrows the use-cases for what is touted as a general purpose plotting library.

Please consider adding a way to override these defaults.

Thank you.

jclosure commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. I'm just wanting to draw some vectors with arrow heads that are all the same size. Would look much better if we could have a uniform sized cone. Hopefully, we can get an accessible setting for this in the near future.

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.offline as pl

def arrow3d(pt1, pt2, width=6):
    x1,y1,z1 = tuple(pt1)
    x2,y2,z2 = tuple(pt2)

    vector = go.Scatter3d(
        x = [x1,x2],
        y = [y1,y2],
        z = [z1,z2],
        marker = dict(size = 0),
        line = dict( color = "green",
                        width = width),

    cone = go.Cone(
        colorscale=[[0, "red"], [1, "red"]],
        # sizemode="scaled",
        # sizeref=0.5,
        # cmin=1,
        # cmax=1

    return vector,cone

vertices = np.array(
      [[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [-1.26797223,  0.0507989 ,  1.79182315],
       [ 2.12619615,  0.8189466 ,  1.06064188],
       [ 1.5860678 ,  0.09509102, -1.32869136],
       [ 0.61054188,  0.07584755, -3.09816098],
       [-0.44132841, -0.01991065, -5.12563753],
       [ 2.11979485,  0.21578296, -5.22348785]]

traces = []
pairs = [[vertices[i], vertices[i+1]] for i in range(len(vertices)-1)]
for pt1,pt2 in pairs:
    vector,cone = arrow3d(pt1,pt2)
    traces = traces + [vector,cone]

layout = go.Layout()
fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)
gitkuy commented 1 year ago

Hello, I also would like to add to this topic, as this feature also inhibits me to quantitatively display my data. I tried both @z--m-n 's and @onavsaber 's approaches but with no satisfying results.. Can anyone point me to an updated repo with this function inhibited (such as the one by @TakodaS ) or a similar software with a good cone-plot function?

th0ger commented 1 year ago

The current algorithm will cause a blank plot if two consecutive cones have the same location. @onavsaber I also experienced empty plots. Thanks for highlighting this. Maybe if you have a minimal example, this would be good for opening a seperate bug.

th0ger commented 1 year ago

Yeah this cone scaling magic is black (as in not good). If you have "randomly" spaced points it becomes a pure chaos. And the docs are mind-boggeling too.

The reason we're computing a scaling factor internally is to make "most" cone traces look good by default. By "good", we mean: (1) make all the cones visible, (2) avoid overlaps, (3) not slow things down too much (i.e. keep algo O(n)).

The irony is, that (1) cones invisible (2) cones overlapping and (3) slow plot with large dataset, are the reasons I don't/cant use cone plots. Back to the drawing board for a simpler and easier behavior.

matanox commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if the cones simply could have the size of their magnitude, such that if you have 3 points and two cones going between them in order, then the tip of the first cone touches the center of the base of the second cone, which currently won't happen. As you'd get in a standard 3D space.

But given the description of the sponsorship suggested, I assume this would be a big change. The docs should definitely say that the length of the cone is adjusted in a way not representing its 3D length so that people don't expect it to.

HarmvandenBrand commented 1 year ago

A very hacky and generally not recommended way of manually fixing the size of cones is as follows:

This works because the vector scale calculation @etpinard alluded to uses the minimum of distances between consecutive points and vector lengths, all of which are now constant.

ofloveandhate commented 9 months ago

I was really hoping to find a way to set the sizes of my cones by passing arrays of length same as number of cones, something a la matlab's quiver. uniformly/explicitly sized cones would help me solve my problem of showing a 3d representation of a mathematical directed graph (not a graph of a function), coordinates for which are computed by networkx's spectral_layout functionality.

i was able to get my direction vectors all unit length no problem, but i don't quite see the hint on adding a duplicate datapoint. i remain in search of a solution.

konstantinos-sfoungaris commented 7 months ago

I also encountered problems with this. I want to plot some reactions of a structure with vectors that are comprised of single cones for forces, double-cones for moments. I can't stack the cones to save my life...

Sharpz7 commented 7 months ago

Hey Folks,

Ironically, I found myself here after trying to optimise my code.

Originally, I was doing one "cone plot" per cone. This was extremely laggy, but all the cones remained of unit size because the "mystery metric" could never be calculated.

So if you are desperate for a solution that works reliably, you can do that.

For my unique situation, I have 6 different sets I want to plot on the same figure. See the figure here:

As you can see, there scale varies wildy.

What I have ended up doing is setting a scaling factor, where I look at the original result, and then guess a "correction factor" for each colour.

    # Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Green
    scaling_factors = [0, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4]

    # For Scaling Issue
    for i, color in enumerate(ACA_COLORS.values()):
        triangles = [
            triangle for triangle in normals_data if triangle.color == color
                x=[triangle.centroid[0] - com[0] for triangle in triangles],
                y=[triangle.centroid[1] - com[1] for triangle in triangles],
                z=[triangle.centroid[2] - com[2] for triangle in triangles],
                u=[triangle.normal[0] for triangle in triangles],
                v=[triangle.normal[1] for triangle in triangles],
                w=[triangle.normal[2] for triangle in triangles],
                    [0, color],
                    [1, color],
                sizeref=7 - scaling_factors[i],

I understand for many usecases this is not a good fix. I also tried by appending a duplicate triangle with triangle.centroid changed slightly, but that did nothing.

archmoj commented 6 months ago

I opened #6938. It would be nice if one could review and test on plotly.js (or side. Thanks.

z--m-n commented 6 months ago

I have been able to work around it by following @z--m-n 's approach of adding cones one at a time, but it is much slower, especially in longer trajectories with many cones. If we had the ability to specify the color and size of the cones manually with arguments, it would be much more convenient and faster.

If you continue to depend on that approach, even after the wonderful new features proposed by @archmoj, consider updating existing traces, instead of re-creating scenes with new traces, for each time step. Particularly for a fixed amount of cones, updating location and orientation of established traces is much faster than creating new ones. At least, fast enough for generating animations (example:

matanox commented 6 months ago

Is a workaround still necessary? I'm confused.

BijanSeif commented 4 months ago

Dear Dr. @gvwilson Hi,

Cone size if we could control it correctly helps us in our plots. As, you see on this issue, many of users have problem on controlling the size of this valuable element on Plotly. That would be great if I could know your idea or if you had any comments on it.


gvwilson commented 4 months ago

Thanks @BijanSeif - I'll see what I can find out.

archmoj commented 4 months ago

You could now use sizemode="raw". Please see the example that this new option here:

BijanSeif commented 4 months ago

You could now use sizemode="raw".

Dear @archmoj, Firstly, thanks for your contribution. Take a look at the following code:

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import random as rnd

fig = go.Figure()


for i in range(20):


fig = fig.add_cone(sizemode='raw',sizeref=sizes,#colorscale=['red','red'],
                   x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, u=u, v=v, w=w,)

In the following picture, the result of the above code has been shown:


You can see the size of cones are not equal and depend on the location and maybe direction (velocity) of each cone, size of cones has changed and are not equal. (Plotly Version: 5.22.0)

archmoj commented 4 months ago

You could now use sizemode="raw".

Dear @archmoj, Firstly, thanks for your contribution. Take a look at the following code:

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import random as rnd

fig = go.Figure()


for i in range(20):


fig = fig.add_cone(sizemode='raw',sizeref=sizes,#colorscale=['red','red'],
                   x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, u=u, v=v, w=w,)

In the following picture, the result of the above code has been shown:


You can see the size of cones are not equal and depend on the location and maybe direction (velocity) of each cone, size of cones has changed and are not equal. (Plotly Version: 5.22.0)

Since you are using random numbers as u, v, w vector, the actual size of the vector is different from each other. If you are interested to draw vectors of equal size, you should normalize the vector i.e.

r = sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w)
u /= r
v /= r
w /= r 

Here is a codepen illustrating the raw sizemode and orthographic project.

BijanSeif commented 4 months ago

r = sqrt(uu+vv+w*w) u /= r v /= r w /= r

Dear @archmoj you are completely right, and it's working for me. I just put the final code here for others if had same issue. Again thanks.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import random as rnd
import math

fig = go.Figure()


for i in range(20):


    r = math.sqrt(u0*u0+v0*v0+w0*w0)
    u0 /= r
    v0 /= r
    w0 /= r 


fig = fig.add_cone(sizemode='raw',sizeref=sizes, colorscale=['red','red'],
                   x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, u=u, v=v, w=w,)

Dear Dr. @gvwilson, my problem by help of @archmoj has solved, and thanks for your attention.