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mapbox static image export fails with tile server requiring client certificates #3339

Open GetGitGetItGood opened 3 years ago

GetGitGetItGood commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am using on an internal network which does not have Internet connectivity. All connections on this network require client certificates, all servers have signed certificates for which we have a Certificate Authority bundle to verify those certificates.

I can create mapbox maps in our Jupyter environment which render appropriately, but when I try to export the map as an image using Kaleido I receive a chain of errors, concluding with error: ValueError: Transform failed with error code 525: Mapbox error. which references kaleido/scopes/ (here)

The HTTP 525 code is "SSL Handshake Failure". I'm using a 'white-bg' mapbox style and have confirmed no requests are going out looking for a mapbox server. When I remove the map tiles from the chart figure I can successfully export the map as a static image. Digging through the plotly code, it looks like the Kaleido base scope (here) is using chromium to render the map and then save it as an image.

The issue is that when I render the map in my browser, the browser has my client certificates loaded and the CA bundle loaded and it brings in the image tiles. When Plotly/Kaleido tries to retrieve the tiles using the underlying headless chromium, it's using a bare GET request and is being denied by the server (HTTP 525).

I've spent a lot of time looking for flags that could be passed to chromium to tell it to use my client certificates and the CA bundle, but (VERY surprisingly) there do not appear to be any.

A reproducible example is exactly like the Mapbox Map Layers - Base Tiles from the USGS: no token needed example, except that the server would require client certificates and could be verified with a custom CA bundle.

I would happily use a work-around if one was possible. Thanks!

gvwilson commented 2 months ago

Hi - we are trying to tidy up the stale issues and PRs in Plotly's public repositories so that we can focus on things that are still important to our community. Since this one has been sitting for several years, I'm going to close it; if it is still a concern, please add a comment letting us know what recent version of our software you've checked it with so that I can reopen it and add it to our backlog. Thanks for your help - @gvwilson

GetGitGetItGood commented 2 months ago

Good morning. I just confirmed this issue still exists exactly as stated in the original issue. I am using Python 3.11, plotly 5.22.0, and kaleido 0.2.1.

The ValueError is raised on fig.write_image, which traces first to line 266 then line 143 of the of the plotly/io/ file.

Any help or ideas you can share are appreciated. Thank you.

gvwilson commented 1 month ago

@archmoj related to your current work?