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Update apidoc for Sphinx 7. Relates to #4085 #4617

Open dh3968mlq opened 4 weeks ago

dh3968mlq commented 4 weeks ago

Documentation PR

(Other items in the documentation PR checklist not applicable)


This PR includes suggested changes to apidoc for upgrading Sphinx to the current version (7). See #4085

The currently used sphinx_bootstrap_theme appears no longer actively maintained, and does not appear to function adequately on Sphinx 7, so this PR uses sphinx_rtd_theme, which includes sidebar navigation and whose layout is closer to other plotly documentation (See images at bottom of this comment)

No changes to content have been made, apart from adopting a different plotly logo.

For review, the apidoc corresponding to this PR is (for the time being) deployed at I'd welcome comments of any kind or suggestions for further changes.


I believe this will successfully build on Sphinx 3 (the version currently in the CI), but if the PR is accepted I'm hoping system maintainers will be able to update the CI to use Sphinx 7. I think this change may be considerably simplified by building the API doc in a separate virtual environment from the other doc builds, and to this end I have added doc/apidoc/requirements.txt. (I've successfully done this in my own CircleCI account, and can provide yaml for this if that would be useful)

Change in appearance


apidoc-bootstrap-2024-05-30 lores


apidoc-rtd-2024-05-30 lores