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Request to Add Animation Support for go.Sankey Plots Similar to go.Scatter and go.Bar #4620

Open andre996 opened 4 weeks ago

andre996 commented 4 weeks ago


I would like to request the addition of animation support for go.Sankey plots, similar to the functionality available in go.Scatter and go.Bar.

Expected Outcome

The go.Sankey plot should have a parameter in the layout for animations, similar to the updatemenus feature. An example of the desired configuration is shown below:

"updatemenus": [{
    "type": "buttons",
    "buttons": [{
        "label": "Your Label",
        "method": "animate",
        "args": [/* Animation arguments here */]

This feature would allow users to add animations to go.Sankey plots, enhancing their interactivity and visual appeal.

Coding-with-Adam commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the suggested feature, @andre996 .