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The interactive graphing library for Python :sparkles: This project now includes Plotly Express!
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Add a script to simplify testing plotly.js commits on the side #4638

Open archmoj opened 1 week ago

archmoj commented 1 week ago

In our contributing docs we have a section that describes how one could use a plotly.js bundle to test bundles from the last commits of pull requests or any plotly.js branch.

Screenshot from 2024-06-17 10-01-10

This is generally fine; however, it has certain limitations. For example the CircleCI keeps the artifatcs for just for few days (around two weeks). So one may need to rerun the build process on CI after a while. etc.

I suggest we add a script where one provides a link to a plotly.js commit similar to and then it updates the package file, install plotlyjs and rebuilt the bundles. Then copy the new file over. Something like:

cd packages/javascript/jupyterlab-plotly/
npm install
cd node_modules/plotly.js
npm install
npm run bundle
cp dist/plotly.min.js ../../../../../packages/python/plotly/plotly/package_data/plotly.min.js