plotly / plotly_matlab

Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB®
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Global problems shared across plots #350

Open danton267 opened 3 years ago

danton267 commented 3 years ago

Hello, here are a few issues shared across many (majority) plots.

The code are examples found in MATLAB's online documentation. MATLAB and PLOTLY .png are obtained by using following code:

saveas(gcf, image_save_location_matlab);            % write MATLAB image

f = fig2plotly(gcf, 'open', false, 'strip', true);  % convert matlab plot gcf to plotly
write_image(f, 'png', image_save_location_plotly);  % write plotly image

different colour shades, font sizes, thickness of elements in the plot (lines, borders, asix-ticks, boxes, text, etc..)

Every plot

missing legend, title, axis names, different axis ticks

Every plot. Axis names, title, legend are not displayed. plots do not have tick labels inside the plot axis tick frequency is often not the same

example 1 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - different x-axis tick frequency, no labels inside the plot example 2 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - different axis tick frequency, no labels inside the plot, no mathematical equation legend underneath the plot example 3 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - different x-axis tick frequency, no title

3d plot - initial camera angle

All 3d plots generage with the camera pointing from the opposite angle as MATLAB's plot. (what I means is: imagine looking at your keyboard from the left-front side, focusing on the left-front corner, fig2plotly will look at it from the right-back side, focusing on the right-back corner). It changes the displayed axis marks since it's looking at it from different angle, and since majority of the plots are not symmetrical (as the keyboard), the two plots are rotated (and look very different)

example 1 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - MATLAB image has 0,0 close and 1,1 far. PLOTLY images has 1,1 close, and 0,0 far. example 2 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - Rotated example 3 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - MATLAB image has yellow data row (tallest) is on the right. PLOTLY has it on the left. example 4 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png - MATLAB image has the twirl that goes down on the fron. PLOTLY has it on the back

3d plot - plot scaling in z-axis

Have a look at all the examples from the 3d plot - initial camera angle section.

More examples: example 1 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png

contour plots - no fill

These plots do not get filled by plotly.

example 1 - all of these

contour plots - undesired fill

These plots get filled even though MATLAB does not fill them.

example 1 - all of these

contour plots - 2d plot interpretted as 3d

Note that there is Z argument in all of these, however, MATLAB keeps them 2d.

example 1 - all of these example 1 - all of these

white canvas if there is more than one plot

Note: there are a few examples where this works so I am not sure if it is a global problem, or something that is unique for every plot type.

example 1 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png example 2 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png example 3 - code - matlab_png - plotly_png

chetu700 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I was not able to save the plotly images offline. The 'write_image' line takes a lot of time and hangs. The code is attached below. Although, I can download it as png by opening the HTML file.

clear clc

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:0.25:2); Z = X.*exp(-X.^2-Y.^2); contour3(X,Y,Z,[-.2 -.1 .1 .2],'ShowText','on');

f = fig2plotly(gcf, 'open', false, 'strip', true); % convert matlab plot gcf to plotly

write_image(f, 'png', 'sample2');

The write_image get stuck in this line:

In write_image (line 87) [code,out]=system(char(join(cmd,'')));