NOTE: I reopened the pull request after a fail in branch selection. Old one can be deleted
Currently, patch elements don't have any opacity. So, when using a patch with an alpha layer, it just appears as a plain color.
To fix this, I added a management of the alpha layer using rgba instead of rgb when it is available.
Example with a simple code using obw function (built-in function which add a patch on the frequency area containing 99% of signal energy).
close all;
nSamp = 1024;
Fs = 1024e3;
SNR = 40;
rng default
t = (0:nSamp-1)'/Fs;
x = chirp(t,50e3,nSamp/Fs,100e3);
x = x+randn(size(x))*std(x)/db2mag(SNR);
obw(x, Fs);
grid on;
p = fig2plotly;
NOTE: I reopened the pull request after a fail in branch selection. Old one can be deleted
Currently, patch elements don't have any opacity. So, when using a patch with an alpha layer, it just appears as a plain color. To fix this, I added a management of the alpha layer using rgba instead of rgb when it is available.
Example with a simple code using obw function (built-in function which add a patch on the frequency area containing 99% of signal energy).
Before :
After :